Orange is the New Black Review: The Past Is The Present Is The Future

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The past always repeats itself.

Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 11 saw Caputo try and fail time and time again to be the good guy, and Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 12 explored Aleida's failures as a mother.

Caputo - Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 11
Aleida - Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 12

Caputo can be as gross as any other guy on the show, but at least Caputo has always tried to do right by Litchfield and the inmates. 

Watching his back story in "We Can Be Heroes" was a little depressing. He's a man who always thought he would be rewarded for being the guy who stepped up. 

He wanted the credit when he wrestled the kid with down syndrome, and he wanted the credit when he took care of another man's baby. 

I enjoyed the scene at the bus station with Angie. He's a well-meaning, understanding man most of the time. Caputo has a hero complex, but that behavior hasn't served him well. 

Meanwhile, Aleida has always been a selfish mother. 

Her interactions with young Daya in "Don't Make Me Come Back There" were frustrating. Aleida is the epitome of an insecure person. 

She insults Daya all the time, but it comes out of a place of fear. Most parents want their children to flourish and grow; Aleida doesn't want to be abandoned. 

The woman couldn't even handle seeing her daughter have a great time at summer camp without her. This is going to sound blunt, but her behavior was pathetic.

I made kids, and then I fucked them up.


I don't have sympathy for Aleida.

I was very disappointed to see her manipulate Daya's life yet again when she lied about the baby to Mendez's mother. She seemed like a nice, kind woman, who would have probably taken amazing care of that baby. 

There were other characters during these two installments that my heart went out to way more. Let's talk about Sophia first.

Sophia had managed to remain a neutral character over the first two seasons. She didn't belong to any one particular group, people liked her, and she stayed out of the drama. 

You know what the worst part of becoming a woman is? Having to participate in this catty, backstabby bullshit!


Seeing her be victimized was difficult, and she didn't deserve to be locked away in the SHU. 

Someone I never thought I'd feel sorry for is Soso. She was beyond annoying last season, but her descent into depression has been unsettling. No one wants to be alienated, and Soso can't seem to "belong" anywhere. 

Poussey discovering Soso in the library wasn't shocking because Soso's storyline this season has been leading to this moment for her character. Whether or not she survived will be a question for the finale. 

I want to talk about my favorite aspect of this season: Pennsatucky and Big Boo. 

Big Boo originally befriended Pennsatucky as a joke. However, their relationship has developed in a truly satisfying way. They respect each other now, and support each other. Listening to Pennsatucky justify Charlie's rape was as horrifying for Big Boo to hear as it was for the audience. 

Big Boo: Did he force you?
Pennsatucky: Well, I'm not gonna lie. I mean, I could've used a bit of a warm-up. Doesn't really feel any good when you're not ready.
Big Boo: You know there's a word for that, right?
Pennsatucky: No. No, it's not his fault. I was the one. I was flirting too much. I was smiling, and I was really confusing.

Even though they didn't go through with their "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" revenge on Charlie, it mattered more to see their trust in each other. I didn't like Big Boo last season because she was duplicitous, but her development into a caring friend has been wonderful.  

The Alex-Piper-Stella triangle has been nothing but a snooze-fest. I couldn't care less about their relationship drama. Even though Lolly turned out to be a red herring, Alex still had every right to be nervous. Piper's flippant attitude toward Alex's worries was unfair.

Piper's panty business started off strong, but the storyline only served to make her ego grow. Also, her flirtation with Stella has no heat. #SorryNotSorry. 

Other Thoughts

  • Cindy has quickly become one of my favorite characters to watch this season. Her determination to become Jewish has been both hilarious and endearing.
  • I don't care how many nice things Healy does for Red, he is still a misogynist and a racist. 
  • Gloria needs to step up and help Sophia get out of the SHU.

We Can Be Heroes Review

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Amanda Steinmetz was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She went into retirement in June of 2027. Follow her on Twitter.

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Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

Big Boo: Did he force you?
Pennsatucky: Well, I'm not gonna lie. I mean, I could've used a bit of a warm-up. Doesn't really feel any good when you're not ready.
Big Boo: You know there's a word for that, right?
Pennsatucky: No. No, it's not his fault. I was the one. I was flirting too much. I was smiling, and I was really confusing.

Nice group you got here. Congrats on nothing.
