New Girl Season 6 Episode 2 Review: Hubbedy Bubby

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On New Girl Season 6 Episode 2 Jess and Cece get the word out about voting for Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, Winston and Nick work on video sex for there long distance relationships.

Jess and CeCe Rustle Up Voters - New Girl

It's so good seeing Jess and Cece's friendship during this episode. Some of the best moments are when they get to have some bonding time.

Jess and Cece going to the sorority house was hilarious. Having the sorority girls give fake names were some of the best lines.

I especially loved when Cece and Jess got the girls on board to register to vote, but soon realized the girls wanted to vote for Trump. That left them no option but to run away from the pack. Is that even allowed on Fox? I guess so. 

Winston and Nick realizing they are both in a long distance relationship put them together for this episode.

You're a real sandwich lady and I wanna scream your name across the ocean.


Winston's video sex closet was something to admire and laugh at. He goes all out by even having backgrounds of different countries when he chats with Aly. I just hope Ferguson doesn't get in the way!

Nick, of course, fails at video sex with Winston's props and accidently shows Aly his junk. I would love to see a longer version of Nick's phone sex call using his greeting cards lines. 

Schmidt, of course, is having a nervous breakdown with the disorganized mail in the loft. I honestly think if they were going with an election themed episode, Schmidt could have had more to say on the subject.

Paul Ryan 2020.


Unfortunately he was used merely as a Republican who wants to vote Paul Ryan in 2020. I know the show is a comedy, but I thought his character could have brought more to the table, instead of just organizing the loft mail and election center.

The show needs to quickly bring Aly or Reagan back into the mix.

Showing Nick and Winston going through a long distance relationship was okay, but we need to see them together to bring in more laughs.

This episode was just okay for me. I know they wanted an election episode, especially because today is about registering to vote, but to me it fell flat.

The best part was the end when Jess was impersonating Donald Trump. She was spot on, I might say. Though the sorority scene was funny, I just felt like the episode was missing something.

Melanie Farts, signed five times.


Cece not wanting to finish college isn't a surprise to me. When they showed her in class during a past season she seemed very bored.

The characters didn't move forward in anyway. They didn't talk about the new house or any of the issues discussed during New Girl Season 6 Episode 1.

Maybe they should have saved the election centric theme for closer to voting time.

I think New Girl is at it's best when the group is together tackling some sort of issue. This felt very separated. Poor Schmidt was basically by himself.

How did you feel about "Hubbedy Bubby"? Did it fall flat or keep you entertained? Are you ready for Aly or Reagan to come back into the mix? What, if anything, was missing for you?

If you're missing some of the past shows, you can watch New Girl online at TV Fanatic!

Hit the comments and let us know what your thoughts on what happened with the election theme.

Hubbedy Bubby Review

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New Girl Season 6 Episode 2 Quotes

Paul Ryan 2020.


Melanie Farts, signed five times.
