Watch Taken Online: Season 1 Episode 4

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Who was trying to mess with Asha?

That was addressed on Taken Season 1 Episode 4 after a face from the past opted to trash Asha's apartment. 

Did Bryan find the person?

Meanwhile, Riley investigated a deadly drug that was killing war vets, but things took a dangerous turn when her asset's child gets taken. 

Bryan decided it was best to not follow protocol in order to ensure the kid's safety. 

Use the video above to watch Taken online to get caught up on all the drama for the characters. 

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Taken Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

You'd better believe we're going to do all we can to get your daughter back, and to shut down Ingersoll Pharmaceuticals.

Bryan [to Dan]

Dan: I just want this to be over, Riley.
Riley: Me too, and for no more of our soldiers to die from this drug. Ingersoll Pharmaceuticals has to be stopped, Dan.