Watch The Good Doctor Online: Season 3 Episode 4

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Did Dr. Melendez give the right answer?

On The Good Doctor Season 3 Episode 4, a conspiracy theorist questioned Dr. Neil Melendez about his liver damage. 

Dr. Andrews - The Good Doctor Season 3 Episode 4

Did it ruin the reputation of the hospital?

Meanwhile, Dr. Claire Brown treated a woman whose inability to feel pain was threatening both her marriage and her life. 

How did she manage to reach a diagnosis?

Shaun Consults on a Case - The Good Doctor Season 3 Episode 4

Elsewhere, Murphy and Glassman each faced trouble in their romantic relationships. 

Did they both take advice from each other to confront them?

Use the video above to watch The Good Doctor online right here via TV Fanatic. 

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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The Good Doctor Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Park: Mitchell Stewart? The guy who thinks 9/11 was an inside job. He's an ass.
Andrews: An ass who needs our help.

Will we be doing this during all the commercials?
