Watch Station 19 Online: Season 4 Episode 6

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Did Carina and DeLuca tade Opal down?

On Station 19 Season 4 Episode 6, the pair pursued the leader of the sex trafficking ring.

Travis formal - Station 19 Season 4 Episode 6

Meanwhile, Maya left Andy in charge for the yearly inspection of the firehouse.

Elsewhere, Ben was put in harm's way when he followed through on a mission that put him and someone else in danger.

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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Andy: You OK?
Sullivan: This has happened to me a lot. I’ve had guns drawn on me before. It’s exhausting.

Vic: Wait, did they drop all charges against her too?
Ben: If they did it’s only because someone filmed it.
Travis: How vile do you have to be to lock up the mother of a kidnapped kid?
Andy: And the firefighters who rescued the kidnapped kids.
Dean: The Black firefighter. Just the Black male firefighters.