Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2 Review: Alberta's Podcast

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Alberta's murder mystery is getting more intriguing by the chapter.

On Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2, Sam and Todd's new podcast about the case was the first step for what's sure to become a layered mystery. We'll have to prepare ourselves for a web of lies and reveals.

But, like with any True Crime obsession, it all starts with an addictive podcast and two people breaking things down.

The Mystery Unfolds - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2

"Alberta's Podcast" was a fun and upbeat set-up into the world of True Crime. Well, Ghost Season 2's trip into True Crime.

Alberta loves being the center of attention, so a podcast dedicated to her and her life would be something right up her alley.

The only downside was that Todd returned to obsess and crossed the line a few times. It's painful for the ghosts but hilarious for us viewers.

Sam: The ghosts think that I should start a podcast about Alberta’s murder.
Jay: A murder pod where you have access to the actual victim? I love it!

Of course, the "expert" in the case would be him. Todd is the only other person in the world who would know everything about Alberta; this podcast (and the hilarious twist) was made for him.

Alberta could barely hold back any of her disgusted facial expressions!

Natural Performer - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2

One of the best aspects of Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2 was the flashbacks.

The scenes were a great way to introduce Alberta's past and give context to what she did in her career. Plus, the aesthetic of the 1920s looked stunning! We got a clear picture of what was happening around Alberta.

It makes senses Alberta did what she did for her career.

We must remember that it was a different time, and she wasn't going to get the opportunities she deserved based on the biases against her. Alberta, at that moment, probably felt so alone and desperate to make it big.

Alberta's Biggest Fan - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2

Sabotaging her competition wasn't the best decision, mainly because it may have led to her death. But, she made a decision she had to live with, one she carried into her ghostly life.

I'm glad she eventually owned up to her mistake and recognized her vulnerability.

Stage Manager: You! I’m desperate. Can you go on tonight?
Alberta: Oh, me? In the spotlight? I don’t know.
[He turns to a different backup singer]
Stage Manager: Fine. How about you?
[Alberta cuts him off]
Alberta: Ah, ah, ah! My turn!

She made a selfish move that benefited her life, and her constant need to be the star only hid her true self. Alberta opening up about her fears and regrets helped to break down those walls.

It's a great sign for more character development to come.

As more details come up, it may help her to reexamine more information about her past. Hopefully, the diary gets juicier as the investigation goes on.

Songstress - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2

Do you think Clara was the one who killed Alberta?

Clara has the motive to do it. Alberta messed with Clara's career and life; that move might've been enough to push her over the edge.

Getting revenge on Alberta for sending her to jail and stealing her spot on stage is a big enough reason for her to lash out.

I'm on the fence about Clara. It's still too early to lock down the killer, so either she's a red herring or just one of the many suspects who will appear. There will no doubt be more suspects in the mix.

We'll need to start jotting down all the clues.

Over on the other side of Woodstone Manor, it was a big day for Hetty to discover the power of a broken washing machine. But more importantly, the positives and effects of female pleasure.

Hetty comes from an era where such things were looked down upon.

It made sense that she wouldn't understand what was going on with the machine or that she'd feel guilty once she learned the truth. She explored a whole new world without realizing it.

No! Jay! No! Come back and push the button.


And we were hilariously treated to a much more relaxed Hetty.

If her former husband could see her now, he would be shocked. But we'd love to see it because he's a villain, and Hetty deserves all her happiness. Fulfillment is hers to take and enjoy.

An Unusual Relationship - Ghosts

Plus, I loved the Hetty and Flower scenes throughout "Alberta's Podcast."

They're such opposites that they balance each other quite nicely. Hetty and Flower can learn so much about one another if they give the chance to listen and grow.

In this case, Flower was the Yoda who opened up Hetty's world.

Flower: You know, there is an upside to a broken washing machine.
Hetty: What could possibly be good about this deadly monstrosity?
Flower: Sit on it.
Hetty: Sit on it?
Flower: Yes!
Hetty: Why would I ever do something like that?
Flower: Just trust me.

You could see all the joy on Flower's face when she told Hetty the truth. She waited for a moment like this, and she loved every second of teaching Hetty what she could do next.

We need more scenes of them together. It is comedy gold.

The Washing Machine - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2

Last Thoughts From Woodstone Manor:

  • Hetty saying goodbye to the broken washing machine was funnier than it needed to be. Ghosts didn't hold back.
  • Pete is just itching until Jay dies so he can have a new best friend.
  • Alberta's podcast needs a catchy and alluring name. Something that will hook people into listening to the episodes.
  • Todd thinking about abandoning Alberta after discovering the truth was a surprise. Nothing ever seemed like it could turn him away. I guess even Todd has his limits.
The Modern Age - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2

Now, over to you, Ghosts fans.

What did you think of "Alberta's Podcast"?

Did Clara kill Alberta? What new clues will be discovered in the murder mystery? Will Hetty hold a grudge against the new washing machine?

If you missed the latest episode of Ghosts, you can watch Ghosts online via TV Fanatic. Come back here and share your thoughts in the comments below.

Alberta's Podcast Review

Editor Rating: 4.6 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (15 Votes)

Justin Carreiro was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on X.

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Ghosts Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Stage Manager: You! I’m desperate. Can you go on tonight?
Alberta: Oh, me? In the spotlight? I don’t know.
[He turns to a different backup singer]
Stage Manager: Fine. How about you?
[Alberta cuts him off]
Alberta: Ah, ah, ah! My turn!

Sam: The ghosts think that I should start a podcast about Alberta’s murder.
Jay: A murder pod where you have access to the actual victim? I love it!