Emily Fields Picture

Should Emily trust Paige? This is a photo of the former from the installment "The New Normal."

Teacher/Student Love

Where will the relationship between Aria and Ezra go next? They face off in this scene from "The New Normal."

Four Liars

This is a typical Pretty Little Liars scene: the four leads look both concerned and confused.

Jenna Photo

Jenna exits a cab in this still shot from Pretty Little Liars. It's courtesy of the episode "The New Normal."

Spencer and Toby

Early in Pretty Little Liars, it would have been impossible to imagine Spencer smiling around Toby. But things change.

Toby and Spencer

Might a romance be brewing between Toby and Spencer? Their relationship is clearly evolving.

Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Episode 17 Quotes

I still don't understand, but I love you. You're my child and no one hurts my child.

Emily's mother

Am I supposed to go buy a Michael Jackson album?

Spencer [on "Bad" clue]