Focus Mutants Focus - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 4

Clarice and Thunderbird will have to put their, ehm, "romance" on hold. It looks like they need to help out their fellow mutants!

Do Not Mess With Mama Strucker - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 4

Mama Strucker may not have powers... but that doesn't mean anyone should underestimate Caitlin.

Need A Hand - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 4

Eclipse, it's probably not a good idea to be hiding behind a wrecked car when you got Sentinel Services Agents after you!

Having Bad Dreams - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 4

It looks like Dreamer's action from the last episode will have some consequences on Clarice.

Mutant Siblings Unite - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 4

What happens when Andy and Lauren Strucker use their powers together? Let's just say you would not want to piss them off.

A Dark Past - The Gifted

Eclipse turns to a friend from his dark past on The Gifted. "eXit Strategy" is the fourth episode of the show's first season.

The Gifted Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Congratulations...on figuring out you're one of the bad guys. So what? If you would have thought about it a little longer, you wouldn't have destroyed so many lives? Huh?! You want forgiveness? Ask the little boy, who I strapped into a bus, while he screamed begging to join his mommy in prison where you sent her? You know what, ask the hundreds of families whose lives you and your friends ruined? Don't ask me!


Clarice: I just have to ask. The night that we first met, did we go outside together or something?
Thunderbird: No, we did not.
Clarice: Right, that's what I thought. You know, I'd remember if we went outside and came back in.