Joe: Shes taking me to a Salinger party.
Benji: A Salinger party? Joe. She's taking you to add texture. She wants to seem interesting like she hangs out with real folk. She's deep. Shes an artist. Truth? Beck will always leave someone like you for someone who can take her places.

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YOU Season 1 Episode 2: "The Last Nice Guy in New York"
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YOU Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

As you activate your new friend there, I know you think you're deactivating your old one, but here's where you're wrong. Your old phone, which I have, is still logged into the cloud, and that means I'm still logged into you. Sci-fi movies are so wrong. Technology is our friend.

Joe Voiceover

Today's the day, Beck. It just feels right, right? I'm looking forward to it, and I think, obvious hangover aside, you are too. But I've read people wrong in the past. One day, I'll tell you about Candice. Every red flag I was blind to. How destroyed I was, what can I say? We all have baggage.

Joe Voiceover