Jorge: Why keep that woman around? She's nobody. She should be buried in the desert by now. Just because she has ties to Arman-
Ramona: She's clearly much more than that. If he returns to find we hurt someone he cares about, he will never forgive us.
Jorge: Why does any of that matter?
Ramona: Because it does. Until Armando comes back, God willing, we have to keep her close. Learn what we can from her. And maybe she'll prove useful.

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The Cleaning Lady Season 3 Episode 2: "For My Son"
The Cleaning Lady
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The Cleaning Lady Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes, The Cleaning Lady Quotes
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The Cleaning Lady Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Thony: I can clean for you. I can make anything disappear. Same type of jobs I was doing for Arman. But you need to bring my sister back this week.
Ramona: As a matter of fact, I just may have something coming up for you to clean.

Ramona: We put the word out. But this is a delicate situation, as I'm sure you understand.
Thony: Yes. No one can know that you're family.