When you have all the power, I think it's just called a move.

It doesn't change the fact that when we do this, we're burying my brother deeper into the ground, and I would think that you of all people would understand that.

Amelia: Would you want to go out with me sometime? Clearly, I misread the situation...
Beltran: No, it's just, um, I am going through a really messy divorce, and my wife is still in Texas.

I am scared of not living up to my patient's expectations.

Caroline shouldn't have to travel to reach a doctor who treats her with respect.

Amelia: I'm the Chief of Neurosurgery
Beltran: Good for you.

Amelia: Winston. I have a cat.
Winston: Are you talking to me?
Amelia: I miss my family. I miss Meredith. I miss Maggie. I miss Kai. So I have a cat.

Jo: He told you about us?
Amelia: He didn't have to. We're already family anyway.

Private Practice Quotes

I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches