Nathan: Oh, so she doesn't know that you're madly in love with me.
Meredith: I am not madly in love with you.
Nathan: You're close. You will be.
Meredith: I am close to hating you.

Maggie: I am acting like a grown ass woman, and I am asking him out...
Meredith: Was that a question mark?

Ben: Is it just blind loyalty?
Meredith: It's not blind. He's earned it. When I first got here, he was one of the worst people I had ever met in my life, and now he's one of the best, and I know both of those people are still in there. I just want to make sure the right one wins.

Meredith: You can trust me, from here on out.
Maggie: Don't do it again. Don't lie to me again.
Meredith: Okay.
Maggie: Okay.

Maggie: So, I'm not gonna come talk to you about it.
Meredith: Well. you should always come talk to me. Because whatever it is, chances are, I've seen worse. and I am qualified to tell you how you'll survive.

My husband is dead. Yeah, I'm gonna play that card.

Meredith: I hurt her feelings, and she's mad at me. I forgot I'm supposed to be her sister.
Alex: You're a complete tool sometimes.
Meredith: I've heard.

I came back, but I'm not home. And I really want to be home.

I didn't think I could do it. Part of me thought, what if I had this baby and just die? And then she arrived, and I saw her face, and I saw him in her. She's beautiful.

Bailey: You and Derek went down in a plane, you drowned, he got shot, you gave birth in a power outage...
Meredith: Is this supposed to make me feel better?
Bailey: I'm just saying, you have every reason to be distracted. Every reason to think the sky is falling.

Amelia: Owen and I are getting to know each other.
Meredith: How well? Pants on or pants off well? Is it just sex, or is there something more?

He's different. I don't know how to explain it, but I think he realizes what makes him happy and he's choosing it. And that makes me happy. I think this is his moment.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
