Sharon: I just don't want to burden you.
Dennis: Burden me? You must not think a lot of me if you think I'd be burdened by your problems.

Colin's father: If he doesn't get this liver, I'm afraid he won't be here long enough to get the next one.
Marcel: I will make sure your boy gets that liver.

Daniel: You okay?
Sharon: I knew Bert had been losing a step, but I never imagined it would be like this.

Bert: Make sure you get the dog out.
Firefighter: We didn't see any dog.
Sharon: We don't have a dog.

Sharon: Legally, I don't expect charges to be filed, but emotionally, he's shattered.
Archer: Yeah. He learned what it really feels like to shoot someone.

Peter: We'll draw up the settlement paperwork and send it to Pavel's lawyer. There will be some papers for you to sign on your end.
Sharon: Hold on. Dr, Ripley, ultimately it is your decision, and if you decide to fight this the hospital will defend you.
Peter: Reluctantly.
Sharon: Vigorously.
Ripley: Can I take some time to think it over?
Peter: What is there to think about?
Sharon: Take the day.
[Ripley leaves]
Peter: We are settling this case.

Charles: There are lots of clinical trials and new treatments now. I'm sure we can navigate it.
Sharon: We? You mean me. I'm the one who will have to take care of appointments, decisions, treatments...
Charles: What about the kids?
Sharon: They have their own lives. I don't want to make this everyone's problem. But I can't do this. I have a hospital to run, a new relationship that's going well... and now I have to stop everything and take care of my ex-husband. I can't.

Bert: Are you spying on me?
Sharon: I thought since you are having your evaluation at my place of employment I would make myself available to you.
Bert: I told you, I'm fine. And I don't need a babysitter.

Bert: This was a setup from the beginning. You brought me in here for this.
Sharon: I apologize, Bert, but Tara has been so worried.
Bert: Don't put this on Tara. This was you, and you're in on it too. You want to put me away so you can get your hands on my pension. Couple of crooks.
Charles: Bert. How long have we been friends? 40 years?
Bert: 40 years, but not anymore. And what was that law power I gave you?
Sharon: Power of attorney.
Bert: Yeah, that. I don't want you to have that anymore.

Sharon: When was the last time you got a physical?
Bert: Oh, I don't know. They did some scans while I was here.
Sharon: That's not a physical. Please, you're already here. It'll only take a minute and then Daniel will come in and say hello. You owe it to your children and your grandchildren to take care of yourself.