I felt like my whole life I was straddling two worlds. After my parents got divorced, I went to mostly all-white schools, was raised by mainly my mom and her side of the family. I didn't know howto fit in half the time let alone be political. I'd experience racism in school and go home to my mom who looked just like the people who hurt me. I didn't know how to articulate what it was like for me. You know, I didn't want to hurt her or worry her, but in not saying something it felt like I wasn't staying true to my other half.


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A Million Little Things Season 3 Episode 13: "Listen"
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A Million Little Things Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

Rome: You understand that this isn't my protest right?
Gary: Uh, yeah. Yeah, that's why we're going.
Rome: Well, please tell me you get that this is work that we all need to do, so you need to do more than hitting up your Black friend so you can be their plus one, Gary.
Gary: Uh, yeah. I'm just trying to help.
Rome: And the last time you tried to help, I ended up in the back of a police car.

Tyrell: Well, I think the people in charge need to see that our lives matter from as many people as possible. I read an article about George Floyd's daughter. Her mom is trying to figure out how to tell her how he died. I mean, how do you explain that to a seven-year-old?
Rome: Six. His daughter is six.