Rok: Why do you have pointy ears?
Dal: [in a Vulcan voice] The logical assumption would be, when maxing out my dermal implant, I inadvertently activated all of my dormant DNA at once. ARGH! [in a Klingon, maybe Tellarite voice] And Dal R’El would do it all over again, knowing I had to compete with that Man-Chop, Okona!
Gwyn: Just tell me this isn’t permanent.

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Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 Episode 15: "Masquerade"
Star Trek: Prodigy
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Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes, Star Trek: Prodigy Quotes
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Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

I’m sensing our captain is – what’s the expression? – utterly clueless.


Y’know, for someone who’s been on our ship for such a short time, it stings that the crew’s taken to him so quickly. But I get it. I mean, look at him. He knows who he is. And what am I? Just some handsome, long-lost kid with questions. But, one day, I’ll find out where I came from.
