Mary: Evan, you need to find a better suit. Spandex is no match for an oncoming SUV.
Evan: But it's so comfortable.

Alice: Hey, do you have any cash? We should probably leave the maid a tip.
Ocean: You're dark.

Alice: I have spent more years of my life in captivity than any elephant in the Gotham Zoo. The key to surviving? Keep yourself entertained.
Ocean: Rough childhood?
Alice: You could say I come by my abandonment issues honestly.

If Evan Blake is the style guide, this party's about to look like The Hunger Games.


Alice: Shall I explain?
Ocean: I do wish you would.
Alice: Some lunatic on a faraway island is holding my sister hostage and she won't hand her over until I gut you and airmail the evidence.
Ocean: This woman got a name?
Alice: Enough women want you dead I need to be specific?

Alice: So, Ocean, what do you do?
Ocean: I bore people to death by telling them I'm a soil technician.
Alice: That sounds like a fancy name for 'dirt nerd'

Coryana Assassin: The Many Arms will kill whoever lays hands on that painting. You'll never find Coryana.
Batwoman: I never said the two were related.

In my experience, when the Crows fly together, they call it a murder for a reason.


Sophie: Last time I came here to meet a Batwoman, vibes were... different.
Batwoman: Please say this isn't a booty call.

Barfly: Visiting from Gotham?
Alice: Why? Do I look depressed?
Barfly: You've got the sophistication of a city mouse.
Alice: Mouse. Touchy subject.

What do you call it when you're sure you've met someone you're sure you've never met?


Angelique: Hey, what is this?
Ryan: It's a work injury.
Angelique: You fall on a corkscrew?

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

What do you call it when you're sure you've met someone you're sure you've never met?


Angelique: Hey, what is this?
Ryan: It's a work injury.
Angelique: You fall on a corkscrew?