You went a long way to not pull that trigger. Why?

Nacho [to Mike]

Perspective? You want perspective, I'll give you mine. You're my brother, and I love you. But you're like an alcoholic who refuses to admit he's got a problem.

Chuck [to Jimmy]

Jimmy: You are such an asshole.
Chuck: Why? For pointing out that her one mistake was believing in you?

Chuck: You're still here.
Jimmy: Yeah, I'm still here.

So what'd I miss? Anything blow up yet?


Seriously? You sound like every dumb criminal out there. If you keep this up, they will find out. For what, Jimmy? What is the point?


Jimmy: What are you doing here?
Chuck: My name is on the building.

You think I'd be caught dead driving that thing? Looks like a school bus for 6 year old pimps.


There's no reward at the end of this game.


Kim: So this is what a midlife crisis looks like?
Jimmy: Not midlife crisis. Clarity. Midlife clarity.

Yeah, well, I know what stopped me. And you know what? It's never stopping me again.


Better Call Saul Season 2 Quotes

Kim: So this is what a midlife crisis looks like?
Jimmy: Not midlife crisis. Clarity. Midlife clarity.

Yeah, well, I know what stopped me. And you know what? It's never stopping me again.
