Madi: The damage done to this alliance was caused by Billy. It may be that the only way to repair this damage is to remove that which caused it.
Silver: Remove him?
Madi: It will be the only way to regain the trust of those slave communities uncertain about what this alliance stands for. And you know as well as I, Billy cannot exist alongside Capt. Flint for long. Sooner or later one or the other must go.

I know she has no love for Flint, nor any sympathy for his cause. I fear the instincts that have awoken in her are more insidious than that. She has begun to believe again that disorder in Nasaau is inevitable...that civilization is powerless either through lack of will or capacity to do anything about it. Civilization has a number of faces. To think them all powerless to alter Nassau’s future is a terrible mistake.

Gov. Rogers

Eleanor: ...I thought I knew who I was...a daughter who usurped her father...a woman who had taken control of a wild place...but always with a man behind me, doing his damnedest to bend it all to his benefit. My father, Scott, Charles, many goddamned men here...too many goddamned men here...
Flint: Woodes Rogers. He’s really so different from the rest of us?

Worry ain’t a good look for a king. Not in a kingdom like this...where loyalty is in short supply.

Israel Hand

Garrett: Long John Silver... all he had to do was open his mouth...say your name...and everyone listened.
Billy: What was it that he said about me?
Garrett: He said the reason Flint’s fleet never got warning about the barricade in the harbor wasn’t because Mr. Featherstone didn’t relay wasn’t because Max intercepted it...he said it was because you never sent it in the first place.
Billy: And they all believed him...
Garrett: I don’t think that anyone actually believed it. You weren’t indicted based on the facts, or our suspicions of your motives. He just said it. I think no one had the balls to defy him.

Capt. Jack Rackham: I watched him defeat Edward Teach, in battle...outnumbered and through sheer force of will, saw his bloodlust with my own eyes. That man will never surrender his position here. He will never allow himself to be defeated by you, or I. Not because we bribed him, not because Eleanor Guthrie told him so. He simply will not allow it to happen. I don’t know where that man went or what designs drew him there. But this I know: Woodes Rogers will be returning. And this fight isn’t nearly over.

Black Sails Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Garrett: Long John Silver... all he had to do was open his mouth...say your name...and everyone listened.
Billy: What was it that he said about me?
Garrett: He said the reason Flint’s fleet never got warning about the barricade in the harbor wasn’t because Mr. Featherstone didn’t relay wasn’t because Max intercepted it...he said it was because you never sent it in the first place.
Billy: And they all believed him...
Garrett: I don’t think that anyone actually believed it. You weren’t indicted based on the facts, or our suspicions of your motives. He just said it. I think no one had the balls to defy him.

Capt. Jack Rackham: I watched him defeat Edward Teach, in battle...outnumbered and through sheer force of will, saw his bloodlust with my own eyes. That man will never surrender his position here. He will never allow himself to be defeated by you, or I. Not because we bribed him, not because Eleanor Guthrie told him so. He simply will not allow it to happen. I don’t know where that man went or what designs drew him there. But this I know: Woodes Rogers will be returning. And this fight isn’t nearly over.