I know how it feels to have something you did spin out of control, but don't make it worse.


You're the one who gave me an envelope to give to the police in case you die so your reassurances right not, not so reassuring.


Seriously doctor, I'll mess you up. She's the responsible sister. I don't give a shit.


John what I did was wrong and I will regret it for the rest of my life but I was grieving alone and you just went back to work. It was like nothing touched you.


We both know that if I'm giving you life advice, you're in some real shit.


I lost my daughter. I watched her die, and I could do nothing. And I would give everything I have to trade places with you, to have a child who could be saved. So figure it out!


Listen up because I'm only going to say this once. That hospital there, that's yours. You earned that but these streets, they're mine.


You're not exactly the poster boy for responsible behavior at the moment.


Do you have any idea how much he weighs? I had to pay some kids on the street to stuff him in the car.


Doctor's have plans and nurses do what works and that just worked.


John: So she's your roommate?
Gretchen: Yeah, she's my roommate, that I sleep with.
John: Oh.

Just run a tox screen before you ruin my life. That's all I ask.


Complications Season 1 Quotes

We act like people die at the hospital. Some do, of course but for most of them there's a last moment when they could have been saved. That moment is long gone by the time they get here.

Dr. John Ellison

Nobody's going to say they believe in violence Nobody who’s not a sociopath, I guess.

Dr. John Ellison