Vince: Doctor cleared me to go on this fire.
Gabriela: So, you told Sharon and Bode?
Vince: Not yet. That fire line out there, it takes every bit of concentration and focus that one can have. And I don't need Sharon worrying about something that's not in front of her face. Okay? That's not happening.
Gabriela: Play it safe. Okay, you're a chief. So, command from the sidelines.
Vince: Oh. You giving the orders now?
Gabriela: Sharon. Sharon.
Vince: Hey. No, no, no. Okay. Fine. Deal.

Eve: You heard from the board yet?
Manny: Still here, ain't I?
Eve: Well, don't convict yourself before they do man.
Manny: I'm not. I stand by what I did.
Eve: Really? You stand by starting a fire at 42, man? Do you hear yourself?
Manny: Look, I regret the fire. And I regret that it may have cost me my job. But I don't regret punching Luke. He deserved it. And besides, what I did got Three Rock here, so get off my back.
Eve: And you really believe that?
Manny: I don't need a lecture, Eve. You're not my Captain.
Eve: Okay. I'm not his Captain.

Bode: Mom's worried about you.
Vince: Well, she wouldn't be Mom if she didn't.
Bode: You good?
Vince: Yeah. Why?
Bode: Well, we're here as a family. Fighting a fire together. I thought you'd be a little happier. But something's bothering you.
Vince: Well, if anything's bothering me, it's that we should've been doing this for years now. Lost a lot of time with you.
Bode: Now's our chance to get some back.
Vince: Then what? You get done knocking down this fire. They close Three Rock. Send you away.
Bode: It's only a year, Dad.
Vince: Who knows where I'll be in a year?
Bode: What does that mean?
Vince: It means there's no guaranteed tomorrow. For anybody. Especially on this job.

Eve: Some guy from LMU heard there's contraband beer floating around.
Jake: Well, we could always get one.
Eve: Mmm hmm.
Bode: What, just pass one beer around, like ...
Everyone: Stacey Jenson's sweet 16 party.
Eve: Yo, that was the night I found my people.
Jake: Aww, that was beautiful.
Eve: Okay, I'm trying to be serious. Listen, Riley and you guys, I just, I don't know. Y'all liked me for me.
Jake: And we still do.
Bode: Mm. Mostly.
Eve: Even funnier, now that I finally found my footing at Three Rock, just in time for them to close it.
Bode: We got right now. And that's it.
Eve: To the bubble.

Eve: Listen, I may or may not be your Captain, but I'm going to talk - when was the last time you hit the shower trailer?
Manny: I worked a 16 all day. Just leave me alone.
Eve: I know. You were working while everyone else was off. That's what guilty people do. You know, you're putting up this front like justice was served. But you know you're in the wrong. And you're ashamed. Because Three Rock, they don't just look up to you, Manny. You are the blueprint. Not just on how to be a firefighter. But how to turn your life around. Become a good person. What you're showing them right now, is that if you ever make a mistake, just go ahead and hang that up. Is that what you want to show them? Hmm? Is that what you want to show Bode? Or your daughter? Or me? Take a shower, Manny.

Gabriela: Your mom was right. It's a bubble out here. Being in the now. Where we are. I like that.
Bode: No future, no consequences.

Sharon: So this is why you couldn't look me in the eye.
Vince: Well, you know I suck at keeping secrets from you. I couldn't stomach the thought of being the problem. And I got scared. I can't have this job taken away from me. So, I convinced myself that I'd be protecting everybody by being here. But I ended up putting my own son in harm's way.
Bode: I'm fine. It's okay.
Vince: It's not okay. I'm gonna go to the hospital. And then I'll go home. And then I'm going to recommend you run 42. 'Cause I don't trust anybody more than I trust you.
Sharon: You just want me somewhere where I can't yell at you.
Vince: Yeah, that too.

Eve: Alright. Let's restock supplies, head back to Three Rock, and grab three to four months of sleep.
Bode: Back to Three Rock. I like the way that sounds.

Vince: I just got the most surreal phone call from CDCR. Reese, remember the division chief up at Lazarus, apparently he was so impressed with you fishing me out of that fire that he submitted you for an extraordinary conduct credit.
Eve: Wait. Does he qualify?
Bode: When, when do I find out?
Vince: That's what I just found out. You got the credit. And they're taking twelve months off your sentence.
Sharon: But he only had 11 months left. What does that mean?
Vince: That means there's some paperwork and stuff. But, uh, you're free.
Sharon: Oh my God.
Vince: You're coming home.

Fire Country Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Eve: You heard from the board yet?
Manny: Still here, ain't I?
Eve: Well, don't convict yourself before they do man.
Manny: I'm not. I stand by what I did.
Eve: Really? You stand by starting a fire at 42, man? Do you hear yourself?
Manny: Look, I regret the fire. And I regret that it may have cost me my job. But I don't regret punching Luke. He deserved it. And besides, what I did got Three Rock here, so get off my back.
Eve: And you really believe that?
Manny: I don't need a lecture, Eve. You're not my Captain.
Eve: Okay. I'm not his Captain.

Vince: Doctor cleared me to go on this fire.
Gabriela: So, you told Sharon and Bode?
Vince: Not yet. That fire line out there, it takes every bit of concentration and focus that one can have. And I don't need Sharon worrying about something that's not in front of her face. Okay? That's not happening.
Gabriela: Play it safe. Okay, you're a chief. So, command from the sidelines.
Vince: Oh. You giving the orders now?
Gabriela: Sharon. Sharon.
Vince: Hey. No, no, no. Okay. Fine. Deal.