Henry: What's that smile about?
Nicky: We're getting that dagger
Henry: Okay. How?
Nicky: We're gonna break into the Museum. You got a tux?

Nicky: I know it's crazy, I know it's risky. I know my plan needs work, but I need to get this dagger, and you can't stop me.
Ryan: We know that Nicky.
Althea: That's why we're going to help.
Nicky: What?
Althea: I've got some skills, Ryan's got some ideas, it's still crazy, but together we think we can make this work.
Nicky: No I, I can't put you guys in danger.
Althea: Oh, we won't be, promise. You'll still be the one carrying all the risk.
Ryan: We'll just be there assisting from the sidelines keeping you from, you know, getting arrested.
Henry: I wasn't bailing on you. I just knew we needed help. Help doing this the right way.
Nicky: Well I guess I can admit it now, I had no idea how to pull this off alone. Okay! Should we get started? Make this an actual workable heist?

Henry: Nicky?
Nicky: It's gone. The dagger, she took it. She's gonna get away with it, all of it.
Henry: Hey, Nicky be smart about this.
Nicky: No!
Henry: Let it go!
Nicky: I won't. I can't.
Henry: She will kill you! Ever since we found out about the dagger you've been driven by something, and I don't think it's justice.
Nicky: Get my family out of here.

Nicky: Give it back!
Zhilan: You'll have to fight me for it. Again. It's impressive that you survived our first encounter. Fool me once. You learned some new tricks!
Nicky: You killed my Shifu! Your sister!
Zhilan: Anger has blinded you, child. You know nothing about her. You never did.

Kung Fu Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Henry: What's that smile about?
Nicky: We're getting that dagger
Henry: Okay. How?
Nicky: We're gonna break into the Museum. You got a tux?

Nicky: I know it's crazy, I know it's risky. I know my plan needs work, but I need to get this dagger, and you can't stop me.
Ryan: We know that Nicky.
Althea: That's why we're going to help.
Nicky: What?
Althea: I've got some skills, Ryan's got some ideas, it's still crazy, but together we think we can make this work.
Nicky: No I, I can't put you guys in danger.
Althea: Oh, we won't be, promise. You'll still be the one carrying all the risk.
Ryan: We'll just be there assisting from the sidelines keeping you from, you know, getting arrested.
Henry: I wasn't bailing on you. I just knew we needed help. Help doing this the right way.
Nicky: Well I guess I can admit it now, I had no idea how to pull this off alone. Okay! Should we get started? Make this an actual workable heist?