Charles Haden Savage: What happened, if you don’t mind my asking?
Lester: Nah, it’s fine. I just realized that my true passion was being a doorman, and I left the theatre behind.
Charles Haden Savage: Really?
Lester: Are you nuts? No. I stopped getting high and developed a drinking problem, and was homeless for a while. Almost died, cleaned up, took the first job I could get, and I’ve been stuck here ever since.

Must you poop on every party, Charles?

Oliver Putnam

I will not be the one-hit wonder of true crime podcasts, Poppy. I won’t. I will not be podcast Nickeback.

Cinda Canning

Dad, if you're not my father, then I don’t know what a father is, you hear me?

Will Putnam

Howard Morris: Am I dressed appropriately? It’s really hard to know what to wear to a killer reveal party.
Jonathan: Killer reveal party -- meaning a party where a killer is revealed or a reveal party that is killer in nature?
Howard Morris: I don’t know, Jonathan. Just be hot, okay?

God! This is really not feeling like a finale yet, is it?

Oliver Putnam

The thing is, before I became one of the most talked about people in the country, I had a pretty ordinary life.

Becky Butler

I don’t want my life to be all about the worst parts of it. I have more to offer than that.

Mabel Mora

Every once in a while, you meet someone, and everything changes. You see a gal in a bar, or a guy, if that’s your thing, and you toss out some Cary Grant BS, like, “What brings someone like you to a joint like this?” And she, or he, if that’s your thing, they smile at you, and your whole goddamn universe turns upside down.

Detective Kreps

I am so Greek I could go bankrupt, and no one in the world would help me.

Oliver Putnam

Aren’t we square at this point? You send me to jail, I fuck your wife.

Teddy Dimas

I hope that you charge rent to the people inside your head. You’d make a fortune.

Rose Cooper