RSJ: Are you suggesting that I blackmail Lucas Weston?
Tariq: I'm suggesting that you don't let him fucking rob you.

Saxe: You know, you know, Jenny, for a while there, it felt good to like you. To actually want to be with you. But you will never know what that feels like, cause the only thing you're loyal to is your own fucked up ambition, and that is a lonely, miserable life. But it suits you.
Jenny: Fuck you, Saxe.
Saxe: Never again, Jenny. Never again.

Cane: Dru, what the fuck!
Dru: It was him. He killed Papi.
Cane: I got you, man. I got you.

Lauren: They say you're a killer. A monster.
Tariq: Yeah, well, if I'm a monster, I was made into one.

Monet: Boy, is you threatening me?
Gordo: I'm telling you that this is how this is going to work. I'm going to keep seeing Dru, and you ain't gonna do shit about it.
Monet: Is that right?
Gordo: That's right.

If you're the one with all the big ideas, tell me why the hell you're crying over Tariq St. Patrick?

Kiki [to Brayden]

Dru: I don't know. I feel like we could be something, me and him. Is that crazy?
Monet: No crazier than your father and me. We built a life together. You could too. But remember, just because you and Gordo are on the same page, doesn't mean his family is.

Monet: I want a partnership.
Kai: And what do I get out of this partnership?
Monet: What you've always wanted.

Tariq: You ruined everything, Effie. And you fucking lied about it. Why?
Effie: She wore a fucking wire! You know the rules. Why would they be any different for her?

And stop trying to put two and two together. We both know your dumbass always ends up with five.

Monet [to Cane]

Lauren: Look, Jenny, I can't keep lying to everybody. I want my life back.
Jenny: The only way out is through.

I don't want anyone making moves unless we have proof to back it up. Especially on no fucking Russians. I don't need that heat.


Power Book II: Ghost Quotes

Carrie: You just got here. Why are you in such a hurry to leave?
Tariq: I have to help my grandmother with my baby sister. I have to help my family.

Simon: Why, Tariq, I had almost given up hope. Is your watch stopped?
Ida: Young African-Americans have a responsibility to be prompt, young man. We must subvert expectations whenever possible.
Tariq: Yes, ma'am. I apologize. I had a family emergency.
Simon: Yeah, well I guess you have thee family emergency these days, don't you? He really is remarkably resilient, wouldn't you say, Ida?