Intern: You gonna go to the hemoglobin lecture?
Ed: No can do other Indian guy, I'm about to go get some pizza!

Elliot: Besides me, can you even name one other woman you're friends with?
Turk: Carla and a lovely woman by the name Margret
Elliot: Carla is your wife and Margret is your mother
Turk: Elliot, do not talk about my momma or I will punch you in the head

Denise: You called me Joe?
J.D.: Do you not like that as a new nickname?
Denise: Just a little butch, I like banging dudes.. so...
J.D: I heard that's nice

J.D.: Your thoughts on the beard?
Cox: I like it. Of course, I'm always in favor of anything that covers parts of your face that were previously uncovered
J.D [quietly]: Yay, you hurt my feelings

I grew up on the street. No, not the hood, the Sesame Street


Cox: Okay, before we get started today, who watches Deal or No Deal?
[guy raises hand]
Cox: Okay, you, out!

Scrubs Season 8 Episode 5 Quotes

I grew up on the street. No, not the hood, the Sesame Street


Cox: Okay, before we get started today, who watches Deal or No Deal?
[guy raises hand]
Cox: Okay, you, out!