Shopkeeper: You think I want change? The last thing I need is a Morgenstern using that sword and ripping open the portals of hell.
Jonathan: So, you won’t help me? Okay, I guess if I won’t have your loyalty, I’ll have your fear.
[Jonathan’s eyes change to black]
Jonathan: Where is the sword?
Shopkeeper: Gone. I already sold it.
Jonathan: To who?
Shopkeeper: To “whom”?
[Jonathan slices his throat]
Jonathan: Guess I’ll have to find it out on my own.

Isabelle: The stalker vampire Heidi ... she made Simon feed on Becky in front of their mom.
Maia: Oh my God.
Isabelle: Luckily, Becky is okay, but his mom couldn’t handle it. He had to encanto her to make her believe that he was dead. Simon had to say goodbye to his mom forever.
Maia: I had no idea.
Isabelle: How could you? You weren’t here.
Maia: Me leaving had nothing to do with Simon. I just needed to be alone. Have you ever felt like that? You just needed to get away from it all?
Isabelle: I have. I guess when times get tough; some people need to be alone. And others need to be around other people. I’m more like that, and I think Simon is too.

Clary: Jonathan, if you’re looking for pity, you’re wasting your breath.
Jonathan: I’m not looking for pity, just understanding. I can’t deny the things I’ve done, but it’s behind me now. I can change. I want to change because whatever good exists inside of you, at least some of that has to be inside of me too. Somewhere. I intend to prove that to you.

Rafael: I was never able to find him myself, but there’s a legend of a vampire who lives in hiding in the sewers of New York. They say he’s the oldest vampire in the city. Maybe even in the world? No one I’ve met has been able to see his face. If there’s someone who knows of these kinds of things, it would be him.
Simon: How do you know if this guy actually exists?
Rafael: Aren’t all the legends true?

Magnus: [Recoils from touching eye] Ah! I don’t know how people do this every day?! It’s taken me an eternity to make myself half-way presentable.
Alec: I don’t know why you think you need it. You’re beautiful the way you are.
[Magnus kisses him and gets up]
Magnus: Thank you, but it’s not about beauty. A tiger has stripes. I have eyeliner.

Come back to me, Simon. You have so much more to live for.


I'll love you until I die.


I won't lose you. I can't.


Lilith: Losing Jonathan, hearing him call for me with his final breath was the single most painful moment of my very long life.
Clary: You say that like you loved him?
Lilith: Why wouldn’t I?
Clary: Demons aren’t capable of love.
Lilith: A failing of frail human imagination. Demons live, we die, we feed, we lay. Why wouldn’t we love like you? I need to care for Jonathan like you and your father never would.
Clary: If there’s one thing Valentine and I can agree on, is the fact that the world is a much better place with a monster like Jonathan dead and buried.
[Lilith slaps Clary and uses magic to bind her]
Lilith: My son is not a monster!

Lilith: Oh, anger isn’t a good look on you. Neither are those clothes.
[She snaps her fingers and two acolytes appear beside Clary]
Lilith: Get her cleaned up and into a change of clothes for her brother’s rebirth. Perhaps something blue? That’s what your kind wears when a lost returns, isn’t it?

Simon: I am so sorry.
Becky: I’ve read enough YA to know what happens. So, how long is it until I turn?
Simon: You won’t, I promise. You have to have died with my blood in your system then get buried and then ... feed as soon as you crawl out of your own grave.
Becky: Oh, Simon. You went through all of that on your own? You died? [She cries]
Simon: Medically speaking, yeah.
Becky: Well, I guess all your sketchy behavior makes sense now.

Clary: Let me talk to him. Please. Give him back to me. I can’t lose him again.
Jace: There is no version of this where your Jace wakes up and comes home.
Clary: Jace, if you can hear me in there. I will never give up on you. Never.
[She head butts Jace and runs for it. He catches her.]
Jace: The life you knew is gone. You belong to Lilith now.

Shadowhunters Quotes

It's your 18th birthday. Everything's going to change for you now.


Clary: Simon, how could someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize the person sitting right there is in love with you?
Simon: I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake.