My back might be shortcircuiting my brain right now but I don't recall Terralysium being particularly *icy*


We are completely disconnected at present, yes. But, we are also together. And ALIVE.


Tilly: Um, you have some, um, Leland on your shoes.
Georgiou: Somebody had to make sure he was dead. And someone else needs to clean the spore chamber. There's gooey bits of him everywhere.

Stamets: I'm good now.
Culber: No, no you're not. Take it slow.
Stamets: The... the plasma manifold, EPS grid.
Culber: It's being handled.
Stamets: They'll need all the help they can get.
Culber: I'll tell you what. I'll let you go to work if you can spell 'my partner brought me out of a coma and all I got was this lousy t-shirt". Spell it.

Stamets: My brain.
Culber: Yes, it's scrambled like an egg.

Culber: If you don't stay in for a full cycle before doing anything else, I'll have Saru ground you. Understood?
Stamets: Understood. It's good to have you back.
Culber: It's good to have you alive.

Looks like the future has brought us an entirely new elemental table.


Tilly: I have a lot of information about this planet but I don't know which planet we're on.
Georgiou: This is like reading an obituary backwards.

Stamets: I've already determined the location of the ruptured relay.
Reno: Great. Let's go.
Stamets: That wasn't an invitation. I can do this on my own.
Reno: Fine, then I'll just follow you for the witty repartee.

We are introducing ourselves to the future. You, Ensign Tilly, are a wonderful first impression.


Section 31 would've begged me to take over sooner or later and bureaucracy is where fun goes to die.


Saru: Ready the graviton beam. Activate deflector shields inverse to cushion our landing. On my mark.
Bridge crew: Aye, Commander!
Tilly: Point five degrees from portside, ice is fifty meters thick.
Detmers: Copy
Reno: Is that deep enough?
Owosekun: We're going to find out.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

My back might be shortcircuiting my brain right now but I don't recall Terralysium being particularly *icy*


Saru: Ready the graviton beam. Activate deflector shields inverse to cushion our landing. On my mark.
Bridge crew: Aye, Commander!
Tilly: Point five degrees from portside, ice is fifty meters thick.
Detmers: Copy
Reno: Is that deep enough?
Owosekun: We're going to find out.