Tendi: Some people who master the art of alien meditation can achieve inner peace. Then, they transcend the physical realm and become a being of pure energy. Isn't that cool?
Rutherford: Oh, like a Q! Or The Traveller!
Tendi: No, it's more like studying so much for a test that you literally become the test!

Mariner: Let's see what I got assigned. Turbolift lubing, holodeck waste removal, and scraping carbon off the carbon filters?
Boimler: Those are the worst jobs on the ship. Scraping carbon off of slightly harder carbon? That's Klingon prison stuff.

If I'd known I was going to be emptying the holodeck biofilters, I wouldn't have had so much for breakfast.


And that's why being a captain is a lot like vocal jazz. It's all about the notes you don't scat.


Tendi: I want to help him so bad, IT HURTS!
Rutherford: Geez, I get that you want to see an Ascension happen but isn't this a bit much?
Tendi: No! It's not enough! I owe it to O'Connor. I'm just going to have to study the ancient ways twice as much. Just freakin' blow him away with spirituality.
Rutherford: I don't think it works like that.

Mariner: You know, I get what you're trying to do here and it is sick.
Freeman: I'm going exactly what I need to. It's called being a captain.
Mariner: No, it's called being a dick!

Freeman: I'm really glad we found a way to work together.
Mariner: Yeah, you know it's a nice change of pace. Going for each other's jugulars all the time is kind of exhausting.

You know, when O'Connor was screaming and turning into energy, it made me realize that life's too short to be hung up on whether everyone on the ship likes me.


Boimler: Where's your pip?
Mariner: I'm pretty good at getting demoted.
Boimler: In the last hour?

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Mariner: Let's see what I got assigned. Turbolift lubing, holodeck waste removal, and scraping carbon off the carbon filters?
Boimler: Those are the worst jobs on the ship. Scraping carbon off of slightly harder carbon? That's Klingon prison stuff.

Tendi: Some people who master the art of alien meditation can achieve inner peace. Then, they transcend the physical realm and become a being of pure energy. Isn't that cool?
Rutherford: Oh, like a Q! Or The Traveller!
Tendi: No, it's more like studying so much for a test that you literally become the test!