Dex: You seem like a really nice guy, and this is, this is nice, I like, but I can't cross the line because if I if, I do I mess it up. I kill everything.
Grey: Well, here's a crazy idea, what if we just don't cross the line again?
Dex: Well, what does that make us then, huh, I mean.
Grey: I think it makes us friends.
Dex: Friends. I guess we just dodged a bullet.

Cosgrove: It pains me physically to say this, but you had some good instincts on this one.
Dex: Did I?

  • Permalink: Did I?
  • Added:

It's crazy, right? You meet somebody in a bar one night, and you have no idea what you're getting into.


Katrina: Do you follow the signs?
Dex: Apparently not.
Katrina: Oh, you got a ticket.
Dex: I did, I did.
Katrina: Wow, you have a lot of parking tickets.

Dex: Alright, so she's a little finicky. Half turn with a key, count to four one thousand, pump the gas twice, full turn or the horns gonna go.
Parking attendant: I'll just leave it out front.
Dex: Yeah, that works too.

Grey: Why didn't you give him that information after he paid you?
Dex: What kind of soulless monster do you think I am?
Grey: A broke one.
Dex: Yeah, that's a fair point.

Lady, it's okay, take the beer.

Convenience store worker

Stumptown Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Grey: Why didn't you give him that information after he paid you?
Dex: What kind of soulless monster do you think I am?
Grey: A broke one.
Dex: Yeah, that's a fair point.

Lady, it's okay, take the beer.

Convenience store worker