Lily: I'm pregnant.
Daphne: Are you sure?
Lily: And I don't know how it happened because we're really careful.
Daphne: Is it Toby's?
Lily: Of course.
Daphne: I'm sorry. He told me that you said you had feelings for some other guy.
Lily: Yeah, but nothing happened with him which I told Toby. It was just stupid infatuation which I should have kept to myself and now Toby hates me.
Daphne: Does he know?
Lily: No one knows. I just moved here a year ago. I don't know that many people. My parents are 5000 miles away and would not understand. You can't tell Melody or Bay or anyone.

Regina: So, uh, hun you remember the other day, before we were interrupted, you were saying something about your mom? Did you mean that she's alive in your heart or in heaven? Cause I know how hard it can be when someone you love dies.
Will: I meant she's alive in Georgia, but I'm not supposed to talk about it.
Regina: Are you sure?
Will: She's working at a car shop back where we used to live in Atlanta. Her name is Hope Paxton. I found her on the internet right away, I still haven't emailed her yet. [leaning in and whispering] Paxton is her old last name.
Regina: What do you mean old last name? [Eric comes in and interrupts them]

Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 11 Quotes

Regina: So, uh, hun you remember the other day, before we were interrupted, you were saying something about your mom? Did you mean that she's alive in your heart or in heaven? Cause I know how hard it can be when someone you love dies.
Will: I meant she's alive in Georgia, but I'm not supposed to talk about it.
Regina: Are you sure?
Will: She's working at a car shop back where we used to live in Atlanta. Her name is Hope Paxton. I found her on the internet right away, I still haven't emailed her yet. [leaning in and whispering] Paxton is her old last name.
Regina: What do you mean old last name? [Eric comes in and interrupts them]

Lily: I'm pregnant.
Daphne: Are you sure?
Lily: And I don't know how it happened because we're really careful.
Daphne: Is it Toby's?
Lily: Of course.
Daphne: I'm sorry. He told me that you said you had feelings for some other guy.
Lily: Yeah, but nothing happened with him which I told Toby. It was just stupid infatuation which I should have kept to myself and now Toby hates me.
Daphne: Does he know?
Lily: No one knows. I just moved here a year ago. I don't know that many people. My parents are 5000 miles away and would not understand. You can't tell Melody or Bay or anyone.