Arman: I’m going to kill Kamdar, and you’re going to help me do it.
Nadia: No, I can’t.
Arman: It’s either him or me.

Robert: Give me one specific reason I should trust you again.
Thony: My son is very sick. He needs expensive medicine, and without it, he could die. I could make this work. I just need your help. You get me to Manilla, and I’ll find out who’s ready to be bought for the right amount of cash. I just need you to get me there. I’m undocumented.

Arman: When were you planning on telling me that you and Kamdar were married?
Nadia: How did you find out?
Arman: So, it’s true?

She put you and the kids in enough danger you had to leave your house. You and the kids need to stay right here until Thony figures out whatever she needs to do to make things right. But if she isn’t able to, are you prepared to leave her to protect your kids?


Thony: I don’t know if I can keep doing this. Garrett has helped me and my family, and Chris and I keep lying to him.
Arman: You have to. Right now, he doesn’t know we’re involved.
Thony: He’s not going to stop until he finds out who killed Maya.
Arman: He’s not going to. We’re going to get Kamdar today.

Garrett: You want to tell me what the hell happened in there? We had her until you screwed it up.
Arman: The deal was to bring them Kamdar, not Nadia.
Garrett: I don’t care who we have to go through to get to Kamdar. He killed Maya, and I’m taking him down.

Arman: Stop working for Kamdar. I need you to stay away from him.
Nadia: Why would you care what I do? You’ve got your precious Thony to worry about, right? Go take care of her and her kid and leave me alone.

Thony: I keep replaying it in mind what he had you do. Maybe we could have done something different.
Arman: I don’t know.

Until I found out how they found her in a safe house, I’m not taking any time off!


Nadia: Do you love her? Answer me that.
Arman: No. I don’t know. What I do know is I love you.

People look for someone to blame when they’re grieving. Now you know you’re not to blame, nor are our agents. So let's take down the bastard who is to blame.


Thony: No, I did it. I killed Marco. Garrett, you need to get me out of this.
Garrett: You’re in no place to make demands. You need to tell me the truth.