Bacon isn't a cheat. It's a lifestyle.


At the very least, be honest with yourself cayuse the truth has a way of rearing its ugly head.


Gail: ok boys, settle down. This was supposed to be a friendly event.
Abby: Until you entered,

don’t blame yourself because then you'll lose sight of who you are.


Bonham: You did nothing wrong and we spent a ton on lawyers when Gail tried to say differently.
Cordell: But dad, the Davidsons lost everything.

When we win, it’ll just be a thrill to see mama’s recipe on there.


It's not your fault.


You're both going in, Walker by the books. Micki, you get to be a vet one last time

Capn James

Colton: Barnett knows our folks know each other right?
Stella: Shared history.

Garrison: Micki Ramirez, it's been a long time.
Micki: Garrison, why am I not surprised you're wrapped up in all this?

Cordell: Micki, who's that?
Micki: It’s the one who got away

Liam: They started it.
Cordell: Then, let’s end it.

Walker Quotes

Walker: Congratulations on the promotion. Should have celebrated last night.
Micki: I think you celebrated enough for both of us last night.

Walker: Micki. I figured you'd be a guy.
Micki: So did my mom.