Marienne: Missing White Woman Syndrome is America's favorite pastime next to porn.
Joe: Missing White Woman..?
Dante: Syndrome. When upper-class, attractive white ladies go missing, they get tons of media coverage. Doesn't happen for other victims.
Joe: Yeah. Well, the media has a thirst for anything salacious right?
Joe Voiceover: Why do I feel like I'm failing a test?
Marienne: We're speaking of a specific phenomenon. When white women receive a disproportionately high level of public attention a very clear message is being sent. White women deserve to be rescued. The rest of us can fend for ourselves.

Masturbation saves the day for now.

Joe Voiceover

I've been kidnapped, held at knifepoint, held at gunpoint, lost a finger, been locked in a cage, but in my history of scared, this is the most scared I've ever been.

Joe Voiceover

You have to get better. I haven't always been the best person but being your dad is changing me. Get better, just get better and I promise to be a man worthy of raising you.


He's not OK, some fucking braindead anti-vaxxer got him sick and is probably out there getting God knows how many other people sick with some horrible life-threatening virus that shouldn't even be a thing anymore ...


Joe: What if he doesn't get better? What if they get punished for our sins?
Matthew: I think it's not punishment, they reflect our sins back on us so clearly it's blinding.

Joe: I know that you love Natalie, but you're not talking to the press.
Matthew: I don't care about the press.
Joe: You should. If you don't tell your story, they'll tell it for you. You can't be there with Theo if you're behind bars.

If God forbid somebody has done something to my wife, I will find you, and you will be punished.


YOU Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Masturbation saves the day for now.

Joe Voiceover

Marienne: Missing White Woman Syndrome is America's favorite pastime next to porn.
Joe: Missing White Woman..?
Dante: Syndrome. When upper-class, attractive white ladies go missing, they get tons of media coverage. Doesn't happen for other victims.
Joe: Yeah. Well, the media has a thirst for anything salacious right?
Joe Voiceover: Why do I feel like I'm failing a test?
Marienne: We're speaking of a specific phenomenon. When white women receive a disproportionately high level of public attention a very clear message is being sent. White women deserve to be rescued. The rest of us can fend for ourselves.