I can't just walk out of this web, the spider has my child. Also true, I've made mistakes in the past.

Joe Voiceover

Therapist: So what brings you two here?
Flashback Joe: What did you do?
Flashback Love: What did you do?
Love: We had a fight. I caught him cheating.

You signed a lease for our crime scene?


I was wrong, Natalie. I thought you were the threat to my marriage. But the real problem to my marriage is my fucking wife!

Joe Voiceover

Fuck Love! Fuck her. Fuck this. Fuck whoever made these little fucking bags! Where the fuck is that little perforated line? Which fucking end is it?! I should let Love take the fall for this, but no, no, she knows what I've done. She knows me. Fuck marriage.


Chandra: How does that sit with you?
Joe: I'm flattered.
Chandra: Your face tells a different story. If anything, you seem repulsed.
Joe Voiceover: Dumb backstabbing face.

Sherry: You have completely spiked their blood sugar.
Love: They're sugar-free.
Sherry: There's sugar in raspberries, Love. We don't let them eat fruit.

Love: Why don't you love me anymore? You know why, you just won't say it.
Joe: I don't know what you're talking about.
Love: You had a fucking hook to my throat, and then I said I was pregnant. And then we just went and pretended like it didn't happen.

Love: He is the only reason I'm still alive. How do you think that makes me feel? I can't trust you.
Joe: I can't trust you either! I was trying to yes, yes, yes, I did things, but I have worked hard to be better, and I'm not that person anymore, but now I will be burying bodies until I'm 70 years old because if I'm not 100% into you all of the time, you will keep killing people.
Love: If I'm not enough for you, you'll kill me!

You said that out loud. I want you to listen closely. Fifty percent of my married clients want to kill each other. It's normal. And here's the better news, neither one of you is going to kill your spouse. You're many things but you're not murderers.


Love: I would absolutely kill for you.
Joe: Love, I would kill for you too, and Henry.
Love: Okay, so I promise to do everything I can to make sure you never have to do that.
Joe: I promise, too. Never again.

YOU Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Therapist: So what brings you two here?
Flashback Joe: What did you do?
Flashback Love: What did you do?
Love: We had a fight. I caught him cheating.

I can't just walk out of this web, the spider has my child. Also true, I've made mistakes in the past.

Joe Voiceover