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As gunfire continues, Buck pulls Eddie to safety and gets him into a firetruck so he can be taken to the hospital.

While at the hospital, another firefighter is brought in, having been shot at a separate scene, and it becomes apparent that a sniper is targeting firefighters.

As a precaution, the LAFD starts wearing bulletproof vests and is accompanied by SWAT.

Bobby and Athena make amends.

A construction worker is pinned in the air by a cable. Buck races up without permission, and Hen and Chimney talk him through saving the worker’s arm. Later, Bobby confronts him over his recklessness, and Buck admits that he made himself a target for the sniper so no one else from the team would get hurt.

Eddie wakes up.

Athena and Detective Denvers discover that the bullets the sniper was using came from the LAPD.

Maddie quits the call center.

The police track the shell to a former SWAT officer, Kenneth Malone, who was fired after accidentally shooting a hostage. Meanwhile, the 118 is called to a fire at a warehouse, which they quickly learn was a trap once Athena and Detective Denvers realize the sniper is Kenneth’s ex-partner.

Bobby is shot by the real sniper, and Athena rescues him and kills the sniper.

Maddie tells Chimney that she needs help and that she’s mentally not okay.

Eddie tells Buck that he changed his will after being trapped in the well, and he wants Buck to be Christopher’s legal guardian if something ever happens to him.

Albert trains and becomes a firefighter at episode’s close.

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9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

Taylor: Another firefighter?
Buck: What the hell is going on?

Mehta: You okay, Buckley?
Buck: No.