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Maddie and Margaret talk at Maddie's house, where Margaret expresses her desire to see Maddie happy. Soon, they're interrupted by a department member letting them know about Buck's accident.

The 118 gets Buck to the hospital and watches him wheeled away after they're able to get his heart started.

Buck wakes in a hospital room, with Daniel as his doctor, who informs him he fell off a ladder at work. Maddie also comes by, as she's a nurse at the hospital. Later, they bring Buck home to his loft, where his parents are waiting, and he discovers he's a teacher. He has flashbacks to his life but ignores them in favor of relaxing with his family.

Later, he has dinner at Maddie's house and discovers she's still with Doug, and the two have a child. After trying to warn Maddie about Doug and getting nowhere, he goes to Chimney's apartment. Not knowing him, Chimney doesn't believe his story until Buck admits to knowing how he got his name.

Maddie and her parents arrive at the hospital, and Bobby informs them he's in a medically induced coma.

Buck explains that he believes he's in a dream while in a coma to Chimney. And while he struggles to breathe in the real world, coma dream Buck suffers a panic attack, prompting Chimney to go to Hen for help.

The doctors give Buck medicine, as they're worried about his lungs, which stabilize him.

Hen and Chimney inform coma dream Buck that Bobby died several years earlier, and Eddie lost custody of Christopher.

Eddie and Carla sneak Christopher in to see Buck at the hospital, and he pleads with him to return.

Coma dream Buck, Hen, and Chimney go to the hospital hoping to learn the lesson he needs to get back to his life, as he fears his body is running out of time.

May visits Bobby at the hospital and offers her support while the doctors prepare to wean Buck off the machines to see if he can breathe independently.

Coma dream Buck finds Bobby, who is scouring the hospital for pills. He tells Buck he's in a dream and shows him his body in the hospital bed. He explains they're in his subconscious, and Buck brought him there. Buck explains that in the dream world, his parents look at him the way he always wanted them to.

Eventually, Buck realizes he was enough in his life and races to go home but is stopped by his parents first. And Buck explains that he knows they did their best for him. He's then stopped by Daniel, who eventually turns into another version of Buck, but Buck fights back to get to his life.

Buck takes a breath in the hospital and wakes up.

Chimney talks to Sang's wife, and she apologizes on his behalf. He learns that Sang stayed away from Chimney because he's ashamed of his failures. Chimney then invites them to stay longer.

The Buckley parents and Maddie bring Buck home to his loft while Buck and Maddie look on happily at their parents, who insist on staying to help Buck recover.


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9-1-1 Season 6 Episode 11 Quotes

Maddie: It was an accident.
Buck: No. No, that's what you used to say before. I missed the signs last time, I'm not doing that again.

Doctor: We'll do our best!
Eddie: Do more!

  • Permalink: Do more!
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