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The mysterious man is in Jane's apartment and she begins fighting with him as she has no clue who he is. She gets several flashes while fighting, but the police shoot through the window and kill him. 

Mayfair is not pleased that he managed to get in the house with the agents stationed outside. Jane is visibly shaken as she is confused about everything he says. 

Patterson manages to match one of Jane's tattoos to that of an jewel thief who is working in a team of five and this leads to some crazy action sequences as Jane is told to wait in the car and decides to join in the fun and one of the guys gets away. 

One of them is in hospital and somehow knows who Jane is, but when Weller and Jane investigate, his brother shows up and the hospital goes into lock down. Jane saves Kurt and they manage to escape the hospital. 

Mayfair offers Jane to be a regular fixture in the team. She then goes to meet a friend and talks about daylight and the guy wants Jane dead. 

We find out that Jane is really Taylor Shaw after Patterson gets the results.

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Blindspot Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Jane: Shouldn't I get one of those.
Kurt: You got one.
Jane: It's attached to the car.

You want me to trust you? Start listening to what I say. Earn it.
