Blindspot Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Eight Slim Grins

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What is daylight?

Blindspot Season 1 Episode 3 threw many curve balls our way as the story of who Jane really is kicked up a few gears, and it helped the series deliver it's best episode to date. 

We now have confirmation that Jane is Taylor Shaw. I'm actually rather shocked we got this reveal so early in the game because there's still a lot of story left to tell. Considering the show has been killing it in the ratings, it'll be continuing on for quite some time yet. 

It was evident something was off with good old Mayfair from the start of the hour. Whatever she's involved in, she knew the net was closing in, and that led to her confiding in an ex friend, but just what is this crazy operation that just four people knew about?

My best guess is that it's a cover up on the inside and it has the potential to cost people their life. Mayfair may have unwittingly put Jane in even more danger than she's already in.

That dude totally wanted her killed before opening her mouth, but Mayfair played it cool and didn't let him faze her. 

Mayfair should be worried. The case file number did come from Jane's tattoo, and that folder was freaking massive. Nothing is making sense right now, but I couldn't be more hooked. Jane is one crazy individual, and she's now part of the team. We all knew that was coming, but I didn't expect it to be so damn soon.

Mayfair looked poised to tell her she wasn't going out on the field any more, but instead she told her she would need to be armed. 

If that's all it takes to work with the FBI, where do I sign up? It may seem a little out there, but Jane is an asset to the team. Patterson is the brains, but Jane most certainly brings the physical prowess to win any fight. 

The episode did pick up where we left off last week with the mysterious man in Jane's apartment. That obviously led to a crazy fight, and I was gob smacked when he wound up dead. I was so sure he would be sticking around for at least the season. As much as I thought he was the key to getting the answers, it's now apparent that the answers are out there, and Jane just needs to seek them out. 

On another positive note, the show managed to find the perfect balance between case of the week and Jane's back story. This really is crucial to the success of the show, and it would be a foolish move to change this up more anytime soon. 

Jaimie Alexander's Jane is still carrying the show, but the supporting cast turned in some strong performances this week and for the first time, I cared for them. Tasha is becoming pretty interesting, and I can't wait to see more from her as the show progresses. Kurt was just okay. He wasn't great, but with him knowing that Jane is Taylor, expect their relationship to have some new dynamics next week. 

"Eight Slim Grins" proved just how engaging this show can be, and it had me on the edge of my seat throughout. I can't wait to see where the show goes from here and how Jane will cope with knowing her real identity. There's a lot at stake here!

Over to you, fanatics. What did you think of the reveals? Is Jane really Taylor Shaw? Hit the comments below!

Note: Blindspot Season 1 Episode 4 airs Monday October 12 at 10/9c on NBC. 

Eight Slim Grins Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Blindspot Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Jane: Shouldn't I get one of those.
Kurt: You got one.
Jane: It's attached to the car.

You want me to trust you? Start listening to what I say. Earn it.
