"February 23, 2009"

Maggie warns Daniel that she told Lucas about Daniel's affair with Chloe. After the explosion, Chloe finds Lucas lying on the floor. Re...

"November 2, 2009"

Arianna tells Rafe that Nicole bought Mia's baby she guesses that Nicole switched Mia's baby with Sami's baby. She describes her lengthy theory. He sends h...

"November 4, 2009"

Sami asks Rafe what he's doing at her place. He promises that what he's doing is for her. The two end up kissing but Rafe stops because he's gotta jet. Wel...

"October 6, 2009"

Realizing what Dr. Baker had to do with the baby switch, E.J. it cost Nicole a lot of money. Nicole insists Sydney is their daughter.Although, he points ou...

"July 6, 2009"

Daniel rushes Chloe to the hospital after she collapses. Lexie urges him to call Lucas due to her fever. Meanwhile, Lucas catches his m...

"October 28, 2009"

Bo hides Carly in another room as Maggie stops by. Maggie's curious to hear Hope isn't home. Bo sends her on her way and assures Carly everything will be f...

"May 18, 2009"

As she questions Rafe's feelings for Sami, Arianna senses that her brother has yet to have sex with her. Rafe says it's none of her busi...

"February 19, 2009"

Worried about Lucas, Maggie calls him but he opts not to answer. Maggie leaks to Melanie about Lucas' drinking problem. When she asks w...

"July 14, 2009"

Rafe burns the newspaper story about Emily. Will interrupts and shows he's not pleased to hear he's moving in. Rafe offers his place.He describes the anger...

"August 19, 2009"

Justin brings the money to the station house. Dean calls Brenda to report that the ransom money has arrived. Brenda then calls Hope and tells her to check ...