Quinlan's Mother - East New York Season 1 Episode 15
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Morales watches a tarp be put over a man at a gentrification protest. The victim is Marcus Powell. He was a protester against gentrification. Councilwoman Ayers tells Morales that Powell was likely killed for his refusal to leave. She accuses the cops of being on the developer's side.

The developer is that same problem person, Adam, that Suarez had words with, and he says he is not abandoning this project.

Sean meets Regina at her spot. She's been ghosting him and says she's not ready to get serious.

Bentley didn't get to call Quinlan back because it got late. She is angry that she waited for him and thinks they should take a step back.

Sharpe is upset about a killing on the subway. Allison wants to ride in the car with Suarez to see how transit patrol works.

Morales and Killian talk to Marcus' widow who says he lived by principles and beliefs and threatening him would have been a waste of time. She saw her husband reading the Guardian when she got home. She went to sleep until she found out from the cops her husband was dead. He might have gone out to talk to junkies that were sent there to scare him.

Yenko also learns that Marcus was arrested for protesting.

Marcus' journal discusses Adam threatening him.

Suarez says solo patrols are on hold. He sees some cops standing around and goes to yell at them. It turns out they were helping Sandeford and Bentley distribute flyers.

Corinne shows up to give Killian his rent and key. She says the bar isn't doing great but it's not his problem. His name is on nothing. He has no obligations.

Brandy tells her partner she won't make detective any time soon. Her mother calls and she tries to tell her she's at work. She hangs up when they get to where they are going. They pick up Bentley and Sandeford.

An online site has filmed Suarez and now thre's news saying he put slacker cops in their place. Sandeford says it's no big thing but seems upset. Suarez and Regina are upset too.

Morales has got a lead. A construction worker saw a guy named Ochola hanging around and Lustig refused to do anything about it.

Sandeford and Bentley chase Ochola through a construction site and arrest him.

Ochola claims to know nothing about Marcus' death.  He says he's only a thief. He claims to have found cardboard cartons on the site. They find out Marcus' neighbor ordered the cartons -- was he moving? And did Lustig have anything to do with it?

Ayers comes to see Regina and says that she is sure Marcus was killed for being a Black man who refused to leave his home. Regina says she is a cop and is following the evidence.

Suarez has it out with Sharpe, who is angry that Regina is going after Adam and who doesn't see what was wrong with the video he posted. He realizes Suarez is pissed at him and says he'll make it right.

Regina has a therapy session and says she keeps thinking and worrying that Sean isn't who he seems to be. The therapist asks what is stopping her from allowing herself to have pleasure.

Brandy's mother shows up at the station to check on her. Bentley shows up in the break room when they are talking.  Ann-Marie has to note that Bentley is handsome and plans to entertain herself in NYC while Brandy is at work.

Morales looks at financial records and sees that Lustig spent millions to get rid of tenants and demolish the buildings. Also he paid Byron Rice 50K last week. Yenko interrupts that Tina Powell had applied for a real estate license in NC. He saw books on her shelf.

The cops talk to Byron Rice who says his place is a mess. The cops enter anyway. They find Tina in his house. Morales and Killian separate them. Rice tells Killian he doesn't want to be here and is moving.

Morales asks Tina about how long she's been in love with Byron. Tina says it's not her business.

Byron says he decided to sell after the murder.

Tina says the longer Marcus held out, the higher Lustig offered. But Marcus was not tempted.

Rice is subletting a condo in NC.

Tina says Marcus wouldn't abandon his principles. Tina and Byron both say they went to dinner but give different restaurants. They blame each other for the murder plot. Byron hit him over the head. Regina is disappointed that Lustig had nothing to do with it.

Suarez finds Allison in his office and is not happy to see her. She says Sharpe fired her, but she wants him and Sharpe to keep working together. She wanted people to see he was Commissioner material. She kisses him.

At his second job, Tommy confronts a violent patron. Some guy wants to hire him as a private security guard.

Ann-Marie shows up at Brandy's apartment. She has an AA meeting but Brandy isn't sure she can trust her. She does offer to let her stay. Ann Marie is sorry for everything.

Lustig shows up to congratulate Regina and say that he's not culpable and thinks people should be grateful to go through a separate entrance to a building they can't afford. Regina says this proves he is capable of murder and she'll someday prove it. He leaves and Regina calls Sean. She wants to talk in the car as it's cold. She says she's been doing some thinking and has decided that seeing him makes her happy. She kisses him.



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East New York Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

I'm not saying we can't start up again, but Andre, you have a lot going on, and I don't think it's good for either of us to be involved right now.


Morales: Did you know Marcus Powell?
Ayers: I knew of him. I knew enough to know why they wanted to get rid of him.