Together Again - Fantasy Island
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Elena bids Segundo and Mr. Jones a good morning. Segundo reminds her that everyone needs friends.

Ruby and Elena greet the three guests, high school friends reuniting to celebrate their 50th birthdays. When they arrive, they break into a choreographed dance and Ruby insists that she and Elena should have a girls' night.

The friends share about themselves individually. Nettie had a picture-perfect life until she found out her husband was cheating on her, and now she's divorced. Margot had triplets at 47 and is incredibly tired. Cam is single and promotes the individualistic lifestyle.

Nettie wants a romance. Margot wants to be rested. Cam has a secret wish.

Elena tucks Margot into her own sanctuary.

Nettie tries to get Cam out to the pool but ends up heading there on her own where she runs into a handsome stranger, Doctor Tristan Alexander.

Nettie runs into a rested Margot on the way back to their rooms and they both find Cam who is now a much thinner woman.

The three friends prep for their big birthday dinner. Elena agrees to Ruby's plan for a girls' night but insists they do it her way.

Elena joins the women for a couple rounds of shots. Dr. Alexander also joins the group and Nettie asks that another place be set so he can join the dinner. This doesn't sit well with Margot and Cam.

Javier comes across a tipsy Elena who asks if they are still friends now that they've had sex. He assures her that they will always be friends but leaves before she tries decides to seduce him in her inebriated state.

Cam lets Tristan know that they were hoping to celebrate, just the three of them. He apologizes for intruding and exits, promising Nettie a horseback ride on the beach in the morning.

Nettie freaks out at Cam. Margot tries to moderate but they're all drunk and an argument breaks out that sends them all in separate directions before they ever make it to dinner.

Nettie goes riding with Tristan but when he starts asking about her, she deflects to a purely physical interaction.

Margot goes to Elena for a solution but Elena directs her to self-care.

Nettie and Margot reconcile and Margot begs Nettie to give Cam a break.

Cam goes to talk to Tristan.

Elena hosts a girls' night with Segundo and Dr. Gina. She wants to play spades and refuses to put on a facial mask. Instead, they do "girl talk" which Elena doesn't even realize she's doing.

Nettie and Margot spot Cam leaving Tristan's room and Nettie flies off the handle. They start to fight again but Elena intervenes and transports them to a funeral home after commenting on how they have so little time left with each other. Margot and Nettie lift the casket lid and it's Margot who's dead.

Nettie and Cam spot themselves in the congregation and start fighting with each other. Margot is fed up and tells them that she's tired of fixing their fights. When Margot's daughters come in, she tries to escape the vision and finds Elena waiting. Margot doesn't want to die, leaving her kids without a mom. Elena reminds her that her fate is completely in her own hands.

Ruby and Gina get to know each other.

As people leave Margot's funeral, Nettie and Cam talk and Cam reveals that she had cancer. Nettie reveals that she's always been jealous of Cam's life and spirit. They hug and Cam reverts to her own body.

Margot makes a few calls to start setting some self-care wheels in motion.

The friends meet at their postponed birthday party on the beach. Nettie and Cam apologize to Margot and make some promises to help her out.

Ruby and Elena debrief girls' night. Ruby admits she chickened out with Gina, telling her that she's married. Elena blurts out that she had sex with Javier. The sharing seals their friendship.

Fantasy Island
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Fantasy Island Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

You know, they used to burn women like me. Childless, unmarried, smart. A woman who doesn't need a man to self-actualize is a threat to the status quo. Well, I say, 'Good. Let 'em come for me.'


Ruby: We are having a girls' night. I am not going through my twenties again without getting drunk off of box wine and waking up to a bad manicure.
Elena: Why would anyone want to do that?
Ruby: Because it's fun!