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Elena and Javier wake up to his alarm. They’re keeping their relationship a secret, which Javier says he’s okay with. He leaves to pick up the guests.

Ruby and Elena await their guests. Ruby notes Elena’s good mood and the scent of sandalwood on her. When the plane arrives, Ruby observes Javier’s springy step as he disembarks.

Tara and Jessica arrive for their thirtieth high school reunion.

Andi arrives with Baron BoBo Von Bigglesworth III.

As the guests get settled, Ruby tries to get Elena to confide in her. Elena deflects.

Tara and Jessica discuss the terrible bullying they were subjected to in high school. They want their classmates to envy them the way they envied the popular kids in high school.

In her room, Andi discusses the accommodations with BoBo. Ruby and Roarke arrive. Andi explains how BoBo is her best friend and closest confidante. She loves him deeply and her fantasy is to know that he loves her back.

Ruby is allergic to cats.

Tara and Jessica arrive at the first reunion event. They are lauded by the former mean girls. Tara’s a published author and Jessica is married to her high school crush, Ashton.

As they learn more about their lives as portrayed to the reunion, they take a time out together to get their stories straight.

Andi waits for the room service to arrive. When she goes to answer the door, BoBo transforms into a naked man and tells her he’s hungry.

Javier joins Roarker, looking out over the reunion’s evening mixer. She shares she never went to her prom. He thinks reunions are brutal.

Ruby comes by and they discuss Jessica and Tara.

Jessica talks with Ashton. He reveals that he would’ve asked her to prom the first time but Tara told him Jessica wasn’t into football players.

Tara is talking with a classmate who now works as a venture capitalist. He comments that fear is the only real obstacle to success in life. Jessica interrupts and wants to talk with Tara privately.

She confronts her with the information Ashton shared and they argue, Tara insisting she did it to protect Jessica.

Andi tries to get to know BoBo as a person. At the same time, he’s learning to be a person. When she tries to treat him like her cat, he tells her he needs space and that she’s oppressing him.

He gets distracted from their conversation by a lizard on the lanai, and runs away to chase it.

Jessica and Ashton get to know each other intimately.

Tara returns to her room and is startled to find her nanny, Rita, there. Also, her baby son.

Roarke joins Tara and her son at breakfast. She waits for Jessica to arrive too so she can explain things to both of them about the Island’s abilities to actualize possibilities.

Jessica begins to accuse Tara of lying to her and Ashton in high school. Roarke reminds them that everyone lies. She signals the waiters to bring the women some drinks. When they drink them, they are compelled to be brutally honest with each other. Possibly with everyone.

Andi finds BoBo relaxing in a lounge chair on the beach. He tells her he goes by Baron now and that she’s afraid of human intimacy.

Javier seeks out Segundo for a favor.

The entire reunion is served the truth cocktail and secrets come flying out.

Jessica and Tara’s lives have reverted to what they’ve lived. The baby is gone. Jessica is no longer married. Their classmates begin chanting their hated highschool nicknames and throwing food at them.

Segundo teaches Javier how to salsa. Ruby observes from a distance.

Ruby seeks out Dr. Gina to tell her she suspects Javier and Roarke are together. She leaves Gina to talk to Andi. Gina looks sad when Ruby leaves.

Andi shares with Ruby how tough dating was for her. Ruby points out that she can’t make a human connection if she’s hiding. She offers to introduce her to one of the island staff, Harrison.

Jessica’s having a drink alone when Ashton sits down with her. They discuss the strangeness of the weekend and reminisce about high school. He asks her on a date and she accepts.

A storm hits the island, driving Baron back to Andi, who is busy with Harrison. She doesn’t let Baron in.

Tara sits in her room, imagining her baby’s laughter, when Roarke comes by to talk about the “Breadsticks” nickname her classmates taunt her with.

She tells Roarke about the incident at Olive Garden and then confides that she froze her eggs without telling Jessica, afraid to change things in their relationship. Roarke assures her the Island wouldn’t have shown her a child if she couldn’t handle motherhood.

Ashton and Jessica take a walk and confess their high school crushes on each other. He asks her to prom.

Andi hears something by her door and finds a fish lying there when she goes to check. Baron’s left her a peace offering.

Tara approaches Driscoll, the venture capitalist, and pitches her business idea at him.

Andi finds Baron and they reconcile, Baron telling her in no uncertain terms that he loves her and wants her to have a happy life. He transforms back into a cat.

Roarke arrives to meet Javier and finds the space decorated with lights and flowers. He’s in a tuxedo and declares this her prom. He gives her a corsage and puts on salsa music so they can dance. She tells him they need a bigger dance floor.

When Tara and Jessica leave their respective rooms for prom, there’s a stretch limo waiting for them. They both get in only to find themselves in the same limo.

The doors lock them in and they find their high school selves sitting in the limo with them, eating buckets of ice cream as they did the night of their high school prom. They also witness the oath they swore to each other to have each other’s back forever.

The adult women realize they need to live lives apart. They decide to take separate paths and encourage each other to succeed. Then they go to prom.

Tara rebuffs the mean girls who approach. Jessica joins Ashton on the dance floor. Andi’s dancing with Harrison.

Gina sits with Ruby and tells her she needs more from their relationship. She breaks up with her.

Segundo comes over and takes Ruby onto the dance floor.

The music changes to salsa and Roarke leads Javier onto the dance floor. They dance together in front of everyone and kiss.

Fantasy Island
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Fantasy Island Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

They think they’re holding each other up, but I’m afraid they are holding each other back.


Andi: Do you have any pets?
Roarke: Well, I had a dog. Sort of. His name was Mr. Jones.
Andi: Did he pass?
Roarke: No, no, no. He reconnected with his wife and moved back to the mainland.