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Sherry and Dwight are reminiscing about the past. 

She goes to get a fork, but goes missing. 

Dwight goes searching for her and is almost killed, but he learns that she is working with people who are anti-Ginny. 

They manage to steal the SWAT truck back from her and set out to kill her. 

However, Morgan tries to get them to change the whole mission because she will kill everyone they love. 

Dwight, Al, and Morgan are locked up. 

Sherry wants to take the kill shot so she doesn't need to put the burden on Dwight. 

They break free and Dwight talks her down in the nick of time, but it seems Dwight and Al are screwed. 

They find walkers who look like them to make Ginny think they are dead. 

The duo joins forces with Morgan as Sherry gears up to exit again because she can't deal with the pressures of trying to kill Virginia. 

Fear the Walking Dead
Episode Number:
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