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Bailey thanks Blue for saving her from that patient.

Nick is back and mentoring Luca.

They have a meeting about the interns and Teddy goes over a survey that she gave the interns about their poor salaries and issues and why they have to keep working at other places to make ends meet.

Jules roomate Max comes in needing to get checked out but she tells Blue not to say anything to Jules.

Owen presents a challenging problem to Link when a skydiver comes in with tons of broken bones and injuries.  Sam is an adventurer and airman and his copilot and friend has reservations about Link doing anything on him because of the Tank situation.

Link wants to do small surgeries at once and tells him that he may risk losing limbs but Owen butts in and says that they can try to do everything at once.

Mika is nervous and fears she may be losing her job because all the board member doctors are in a meeting together to discuss the intern salary issue sinc ethey're barely making livable wages.

The other attendings some dismissive about it but Bailey recalls some of her own experiences including with Richard.

Lucas is having a hard time on Nick's service and he finally tells him to get his meds for his ADHD together so he can focus better because he's trying to help him but needs him to help himself too, and it seems Lucas didn't even realize he had ADHD.

Owen makes his case for why Sam needs all the surgeries at once becaue he gets it as a fellow veteran but Link is fed up and kicks Owen out of the room until he can come up with the full plan.

Simone is upset that Lucas gave up b eing her man of honor and passed the task to Jules.

Everyone talks about their experiences, and Baiiley notices Max wandering around.

Jo hypes of Link and asks him what he needs for this surgery. He describes two teams, six surgeons he needs in great detail, and she volunteers and asks him who else he needs. He comes up with a game plan.

Simone and Jules try to reassure each other about being on this case because neither of them want a death or an amputation.

When talking to Max, they start to pick up that she's confused and delirious from her UTI.

Sam hits on Jo.

Mika goes to stand up for herself in the room with the doctors but they tell her that they're starting an emergency grant program and she'll b e the first recipient.

Blue pages Jules to come see Max. She goes off on him.

They do the extensive surgery, and Link manages to pull it off.  Owen congratulates him, and Link tells him not to put him in that position in front of a patient again.

Amelia apologizes to Mika.

Nick checks back in with Lucas. He tells him that he doesn't have a diagnosis and it threw him off. Nick tells him that he can relate and he got dianosed in college himself.

Richard goes to see Helm at Joe's to talk to her about what it would take to bring her back and he wants to listen.

Amelia apologizes to Winston.






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