Missing News

Missing Review: Sleeping With The Enemy

Missing Review: Sleeping With The Enemy

After discovering the identity of Suspect Zero, Paul and Becca must work together to rescue Michael. Read our review of this week's Missing if see how their team efforts paid off!
Posted in: Missing
Missing Review: The Truth

Missing Review: The Truth

With help from Giancarlo, Becca escapes the CIA and finally comes face to face with some answers. Read our review of this week's Missing to find out all of the shocking reveals!
Posted in: Reviews
Missing Review: Suspect Zero

Missing Review: Suspect Zero

Becca must revisit a past case in order to prove her innocence to the CIA. Read our review to find out what happened in the past that is so important to Becca's present case!
Posted in: Reviews
Missing Review: Closer Than Ever

Missing Review: Closer Than Ever

Becca flashes back to memories with Paul as she gets closer to finding Michael. Read our review on this week's Missing to find out what happened!
Posted in: Reviews
Missing Review: Alliances

Missing Review: Alliances

Becca meets with the head of French Intelligence on this week's Missing. Read our review to find out if he was a friend or foe!
Posted in: Reviews

Missing Details

Missing stars Ashley Judd as a former CIA operative and the mother of a teenage son who gets abducted. She will stop at nothing to bring him home.

Number of Episodes
Start Date

Missing Quotes

She's somebody's daughter. She got killed for talking to me.


The thinner the file, the better the agent.

Agent Miller