Face Off - Sugar
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Davy is on set in a Siegel Pictures LLC movie. He keeps flubbing his lines and getting aggravated. He also needs constant validation. He’s a pain in the ass, and then he hits on his costar. Davey and Margit are watching the film on TV as he whines about the mess he’s in. Margit does more to pump him up. She reminds him of his inheritance and that he’ll be able to tell the town to fuck itself when he gets it.

Sugar isn’t in a good mood, and not just because of traffic. He needs to find Davy and what he knows about Olivia. What he really knows.

He’s visiting a shrine to Lorraine. He doesn’t think Mr. Siegel ever loved anyone the way he loved Lorraine. He visits Jonathan looking for Davy. Bernie promises to pay his fees, but Sugar has no desire to let go of the case. Margit embarrasses herself by standing up for her trashy son, who blames the women he tried to destroy.

Oh, he’s visiting all the places simultaneously. Both Bernie and Margit tell him to shove off before calling dogs to get rid of him. Sugar promises Kenny he won’t be able to make him leave.

Davy emerges and tells Kenny and his mom to leave so he can talk with Sugar. He gives a sob story, but Sugar only wants to know about Olivia. Davy heard about a trafficker who thought all the girls were happy to be trafficked. So, he went to Byron Stallings for women. More than a few times. He started hanging with him, even though he’s a legit psychopath. He mentioned all the women coming after him, and he also mentioned that Olivia told a woman not to settle and to tell everyone about her. He thought Stallings would scare her.

Davy says nobody knows about Olivia.

Melanie is followed from her home by someone in a white van. She heads to a music studio. She tells a man about Sugar and how they’re looking for Olivia together. She trusts him and wants to find Olivia as much as she does.

Ruby is on the road when she gets a call from Sugar. She doesn’t answer it, as she’s waiting for a man named Miller. Their electric cars have peculiar hums. They’re worried that the current case might be leading Sugar to things he shouldn’t know. Miller says not to let him find out. Whatever it takes.

Charlie has set up surveillance on Melanie, which is good since someone just entered her house. How did that get by Charlie?

Melanie says that her boyfriend’s on his way, and the guy laughs about the mythical boyfriend. Things are going down in her house while Sugar and Charlie chat in the van.

Dude is drilling into the door when Sugar spots a truck he recalls, and he returns to the van. Melanie stabs him through the hole in the door, and Sugar beats the snot out of him.

Sugar ends up apologizing to the dude, and they let him go. He takes Melanie back to his hotel room.

Sugar emerges from the other room without his pants and apologizes if he scared her. She’ll take the couch.

A woman is separating families from a bus trip as a way to get Stallings some girls to traffic.

Margit and Davy share a bottle of wine and talk about his incredible performance as a child. They’re reliving his past glory. She goes to bed, but they cut away to a sign of him in the bathroom. Given the warning about self-harm, he’s probably considering killing himself.

Yep. Fuck this town, he says before shooting himself in the head. But it’s a very small gun. Bernie gets home to a terrified Margit screaming for him to do something. The poor kid isn’t dead.

Girls are being trafficked. Ruby arrives home. Sugar writes in his journal that tomorrow, he’ll get Stallings. He’ll do better tomorrow. He goes to the living room to sleep beside Melanie.


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Sugar Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Davy: Women were always weird around me. Not weird, but I don’t know. I was a famous kid, I had this famous family, and they were around, so I never know how to, to figure out how to be normal with them, you know?
Sugar: By normal, what do you mean? You mean by not using violent threats to force women to have sex with you? Is that what you mean?

Margit: You are the last in a long line of great men and one day, you’ll inherit a fortune, and you know what you can do then?
Davy: What?
Margit: You can tell this town to go fuck itself.