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Cheyenne, Glenn, and Dina are on a video call with Amy. She tells them Zephra is closing most Cloud 9 stores and moving business online.

At the daily meeting, Cheyenne, Glenn, and Dina tell the employees the news.

Mateo, Garrett, and Sandra talk about how their lives will change if the store closes. Mateo thinks about asking Carol to become her personal assistant.

Jonah and Hannah are on a lunch date. They talk about the future of Cloud 9.

Mateo congratulates Carol on her settlement. He gives her coffee and suggests looking into hiring a personal assistant.

The next day, Jonah is on the phone with Jeff, but he hangs up when he sees Amy in the warehouse break room. He is surprised to see Amy. Cheyenne was supposed to tell him in advance, but she did not.

At the daily meeting, Dina speaks about California on Amy's behalf. Garrett asks Jonah how he is doing. Amy explains the plan to save Store 1217. Sandra asks about Amy and Jonah, and everyone begins talking about their relationship.

Garrett implies the store might close during his announcements. He asks Sandra if Amy said hi to her.

Amy, Glenn, Dina, and Jonah talk about factors Zephra's analyst would look at when they arrive. Glenn and Dina leave to monitor customers coming and going. Amy tries to apologize for her sudden appearance, but Jonah avoids the conversation.

Dina and Glenn stand outside Cloud 9 and turn away potentially "problematic" customers.

Amy and Jonah tell employees they have to fix up the store for the analyst, Meghan. Everyone starts rearranging items to make the store look aesthetically pleasing.

Garrett is still complaining to Sandra about Amy not personally greeting him. Cheyenne introduces Jonah to the store's greeters for the day. Mateo takes over Carol from mopping the floor.

Amy and Jonah admire the store once the employees redecorate it. Justine suddenly screams, and Amy and Jonah hurry to her. She found a bag of severed feet.

Dina says she is going to notify the police. Jonah suggests ignoring the bag until after the analyst leaves, and Amy suggests moving the bag altogether. Dina refuses since moving the bag would be illegal. They settle on creating a stand of boxed drinks around the bag so that nobody will see it. Cheyenne says she told Mateo about the feet, who told Garrett, Sandra, and Eric.

One of the greeters texts Cheyenne telling her that the analyst has arrived. Everyone heads off to their respective tasks.

Jonah greets Meghan, trying to show off the store's customer service. Another customer asks him about candles. Jonah tries to rebuke the customer, but he eventually leads them to the candles.

Amy monitors the store from the back. Dina brings Amy chips and thanks her for coming back. Amy asks Dina about Garrett. Then, Amy notices Meghan calling someone, and her phone starts ringing. Amy runs to the manager's office to call the analyst back.

While Amy is on the phone with Meghan, Garrett barges in, upset because Amy did not personally say hi to him. Once Garrett realizes who is at the other end of the line, he helps Amy cover up the fact that she is in St. Louis.

Glenn steers tall customers away from the drink stand covering up the bag of feet. Jonah asks Glenn if he is okay.

Marcus finds the bag of feet and screams. He makes a scene about it, and others, including Meghan, start to notice. Jonah tries to cover it up, but Marcus blows their cover.

Later that evening, Amy, Cheyenne, and Jonah talk about what to do since the last thing Meghan noticed was the feet. A reporter asks if any of them will do an interview, and Jonah agrees.

Mateo continues helping Carol. She officially hires him, but Mateo finds out she can only afford to pay him for one day.

The reporter interviews Jonah. He promotes and advocates for Store 1217 through the interview.

Amy comforts Jonah after his interview. Cheyenne tells them that Meghan is leaving, so Amy decides to confront her and defend Store 1217. Meghan says the store will be converted into a distribution center, meaning Zephra will let go of most employees. Amy quits her job with Zephra.

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Superstore Season 6 Episode 14 Quotes

Sandra: You think she'd be cool with paying you cash under the table?
Mateo: Of course, that's how all rich people pay their immigrants. You think Dianne Wiest has paid a payroll tax her entire life?

Cheyenne: Okay, guys, come on. Obviously, Jonah's got some ideas; we haven't even let him talk! Jonah.
Jonah: I mean, I'm not sure that there's anything that we can do. I'm just trying to be realistic. I mean, we've been flattened by these guys over and over. I just... yeah, I don't know what to say.
Cheyenne: Uh, hey, I'm not sure that's an idea as so much as a downer, so maybe next time, just don't stop the meeting if you don't have anything.
Jonah: Yeah, my bad.