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Luca celebrates his birthday at the carnival until Joseph whisks Thony away.

Nadia tells Arman they need to keep a low profile.

Thony checks out Robert again and offers to keep up with the drug business.

Garrett confronts Thony and thinks she's gotten good at lying.

Fiona takes Luca to the hospital. She makes her kids go home. They agree to see Luca since he has a pre-existing condition.

Fiona is struggling with Luca's paperwork. A kind nurse says it's a sanctuary, and they'll treat everyone there.

Robert is cranky about his health issues. To save herself, Nadia throws Thony under the bus and suggests she might be stealing drugs.

Thony is frustrated at the hospital and tells them to call a code white.

Thony and Arman deal with an epic chase to find Luca's meds. Robert's men hear Thony's phone, and Arman shoots them so she can grab the meds, and they escape.

The doctor refuses to give Luca an experimental drug.

With the help of Nina's cousin, Thony and Fiona sneak the medical equipment into the hospital chapel, and Thony begins. The doctor catches them, and Thony begs him to let the procedure finish.

The doctor has Fiona and Thony arrested, and Luca placed in foster care.

After Garrett admits he has stuff to figure out, he and Katherine have sex.

Robert tells Nadia he knows Arman stole his drugs, and she's protecting Arman and playing him. He drowns her.

The Cleaning Lady
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The Cleaning Lady Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Nadia: I did it, but he’s still alive because your cleaning lady gave him CPR and saved him. Now I’m trapped, and he won’t let me go.
Arman: I’ll come to get you.
Nadia: No, Arman, we can’t have him suspect anything.

Thony: I’m sorry, Garrett.
Garrett: You’re sorry? Does that word have any meaning to it, or have you gotten so good at lying and covering up the truth that you don’t even recognize it?