Lingering COVID Symptoms - The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 18
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Shaun accosts Glassman with all sorts of questions about his exercise level, diet, etc. Glassman doesn't see what the problem is with missing two sutures.

Meanwhile, Jared invites everyone to a karaoke night.

A patient presents with long COVID. She says she takes ADHD meds for post-COVID brain fog. She is having chest pains and trouble breathing. Shaun orders a chest x-ray and runs off. He runs to Lea and says that he is printing reports for 176 surgeries Glassman did to her printer.

Joradan and Jared see a woman who is dizzy and swollen ankles. The woman says her daughter is moving away to Prague. Morgan wants to confirm all medications. The woman only remembers their colors and shapes. The daughter knows what they are. Jorrdan tells Jared to do the exam. Jared doesn't want to act like he knows everything. The woman falls asleep and makes a lot of noise that might be apnea. She apparently falls asleep a lot. She has such alrge tonsils she needs a tonsillectomy so that she won't stop breathing in her sleep.

Shaun's patient had a severe heart disease that makes Asher wonder how she's alive. It should have been found as a child. COVID is the reason she has symptoms now and might have saved her life.

Lim explains the two procedures they can do. The woman wonders if fixing this heart issue will fix her brain fog. Lim says no.

Andrews meets Villanueva with coffee. He also wants her to sign a form agreeing to go on a date. She says this is so romantic. She signs before being called to the ward.

Jared also brings Jordan coffee. Jordan doesn't think it should be a daughter's job to make sure her mom goes to the doctor.

Daphne crashes. Her heart is failing.

Shaun's patient has a tet spell during surgery and starts crashing. If they don't stop the spasm she could have permanent brain damage. The heart re-regulates itself. Shaun points out the repair surgery is risky.

Daphne's heart is decompressing. Jared realizes her brain fog is due to years of oxygen and heart deprivation. Jordan says that doesn't mean her daughter should take care of her and goes on about how she took care of her brothers since she was fiv and missed out on a lot.

Daphne goes into V-fib. Defribliration helps. Park says they have to figure out what else is going on with her heart.

Park finds Shaun going over all of Glassman's reports and how he has found four errors. Park says these are minor missteps. Shaun says you will never find such discrepancies in his reports. Park suggests there is no pattern. Shaun's patient is awake and he runs off.

Lim says there is a medication but it may ahe rare side effects because of long COVID.

Andrews sees Villanueva yelling at someone on the phone. Andrews whispers that he has a restaurant for them to go to. However Villanueva is working all weekend. She doesn't want travel nurses on her floor and argues with Andrews about hiring nurses. She gets through to someone on the phone and that's that.

Shaun observes his patient. She says before COVID her brain was great. She did evolutionary patterns, genetic... she almost forgets the word sequence. Her executive function is not good.  Shaun pages Asher to watch his patient and runs off to tell Glassman he thinks Glassman's brain cancer has returned.

Shaun starts talking quickly about how executive function is impacted, proven by his minor errors. Glassman doesn't think this is evience of anything. Shaun insists Glassman get another MRI. Glassman won't.

Lim comes to see her patient. The woman is reading from a collection of poems to try to help her cognitive function. Poems is all she can handle now. She writes poems too. Howevr she would give anything to... she gets dizzy and her stats are not good. She's having a seizure.

Daphne has a kidney issue, not a heart issue. Her daughter offers to donate a kidney. Daphne cannot have a transplant but there is a procedure. However there could be fatal complications. Dialysis is also an option. Her daughter says she will stay in San Jose if she needs her to take her to dialysis.  Jordan stands there looking upset.

The medication is not working and will make the surgery more risky but without it she could have another tet spell. If they don't do the repair her heart will stop The woman can't risk losing her cognitive function any more than she already has.

Asher thinks they should just go back to the old idea. Lim says no. Asher attempts to do a Shaun but his attempt at visualizing goes nowhere because he starts fantasizing about Jerome. Jared gets the idea to use shunts.

Shaun doesn't want to do karaoke night because he wants to review all of Glassman's surgeries for more proof his brain cancer returned. Lea convinces him not to. Jared is at the karaoke bar by himself as everyone besides them has canceled.

Shaun thinks low turnout is a good time to discuss Glassman's symptoms.

The patient thinks the shunt is the perfect option. Lim tells her she's had a strange year too. She tells her about her paralysis that she thought was permanent and how she began to appreciate her new self after a while. She only did the surgery once she knew her life was no longer at risk. The patient is not interested in this. She still wants the shunt. Lim says the patient has not lost her mind.

Shaun goes on and on about Glassman's surgeries. Lea stops him and says they are going home. Jordan leaves too and suggests Jared focus on being a resident. . Jared tells her how he bounced around growing up but they always had a party everywhere. He has never fit in anywhere and maybe never will find his place. Jordan gets a page that Daphne has gotten septic.

The next morning Shaun tells Lea not to have coffee. He's been up since 3:30 AM and thinks that he has compelling evifence that Glassman has brain cancer.

Jordan says the infection has been caused by dialysis and encourages Daphne to choose a different path.

The shunt placement has been scheduled. The patient has decided to be okay with the old her not coming back and wants to do the tet repair.

In surgery there is a complication. Jared has an idea.

Meanwhile Lim's patient has a tet spell during her surgery. Nothing is working.  The O2 starts rising and the heart rate stabilizing. However the length of time she didn't have oxygen could have caused brain damage.

Jared and Jordan get tacos and compliment each other.  He has to wipe some lettuce off her cheek for her. They nearly kiss but she says they need to go.

Park tells Daphne that the surgery went well and they expect a full recovery. Daphne feels like she is breathing for the first time in her life. Jared gives her a dietary and medication plan. Daphne tells her daughter to live her own life.  She wants to visit her in Prague.

Glassman returned the files and has refused to read them. Shaun says he is going to see him in person. Lea suggests Glassman doesn't want to know. Maybe Shaun is scared now that he's about to be a dad. She doesn't want him to damage his relationship with Glassman.

Andrews meets Villanueva for coffee and she says she doesn't think any of this is a good idea right now. If Andrews doesn't value the nurses enough to invest in them, how much does he care about her? And she doesn't respect him for that POV.

The tet patient seems to be okay and might even recover cognitive abilities. She reads a poem aloud while Shaun puts away his file on Glassman/. Shaun goes to talk to Glassman and says Lea thinks he is worried because he is going to be a dad and that Glassman is scared.  He says he will let the scan go. Glassman thanks him. Shaun says he is scared and wants Glassman to do the scan. Glassman agrees t do it for him.


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The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 18 Quotes

Star karaoke from 7 pm to question mark question mark. You know it's going to be a party when there's punctuation involved.


Shaun: You closed a patient with eight sutures when you should have used ten. We have to figure out why.
Glassman: Why do we have to figure out why? Two sutures is nothing. It's a blip.