The Killing News

The Killing Review: Joy Ride

The Killing Review: Joy Ride

Holder must find Linden on The Killing. Elsewhere, Bullet discovers a clue about the serial killer everyone's been looking for.
Posted in: Reviews
The Killing Review: The Voice

The Killing Review: The Voice

Linden and Holder try to figure out the man behind the voice on the tapes on this week's The Killing. Elsewhere, Twitch gets into some trouble and Seward makes a friend.
Posted in: The Killing
The Killing Review: A New Case, A Riveting Return

The Killing Review: A New Case, A Riveting Return

In the season premiere of The Killing, Holder takes up a new case, which calls back to one of Linden's former ones. The clues begin to unravel and the truth about a serial killer on death row is called into question.
Posted in: Reviews

The Killing Details

The Killing is a drama on AMC. It focuses on the murder of a girl in Seattle and that event's subsequent fallout, exposing secrets about family members connected to the incident, politicians and more.

Number of Episodes
Start Date

The Killing Quotes

Hello, Facebook. Kid's don't write letters.

Jack Linden

Linden: In situations like this, I like to ask myself: what would Jesus do?
Holder: Don't know. I'll ask him.