90210 Round Table: "To Thine Own Self Be True"

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You've already read our 90210 review of the episode "To Thine Own Self Be True."

But that was just one writer's opinion.

In our weekly Round Table discussion a trio of TV Fanatics gather to analyze various character and plot developments. We encourage readers to play along, either in the comments section below or in our 90210 forum...

Were Debbie and Harry too harsh on Jasper?
M.L. House: Actually, yes. We know he's a drug dealer and, possibly, insane. But he actually have the Wilsons a heartfelt speech. The writers cheated a bit by having Debbie and Harry act like they knew the same things about Jasper as the audience did, simply due to one thing Dixon said.

Dr. Shepherd: Are you kidding? The guy is nuts! Debbie and Harry were too nice, if you ask me. They should lock Annie in her room.

The Barnacle: No. Jasper has to prove himself to the parents of his girlfriend, not the other way around.

What does Ryan see in Jen?
M.L. House: I have no idea.

Dr. Shepherd: This relationship has gone nowhere. It was never believable that Ryan would truly fall for Jen. Moreover, we've seen her do far too many deceptive things to feel an ounce of sympathy for the character when she comes clean a bit, as she did this week.

The Barnacle: The only things I can come up with aren't clean enough for a family website.

Should Liam go for Ivy or Naomi?
M.L. House: Naomi. It was totally out of character for him to apologize like he did last night. The fact that he's filled with so much regret means he clearly has real feelings for her.

Dr. Shepherd: Ivy. These two hooked up one night, he's talked about sex with another woman since and she hasn't bugged out or freaked on Liam once. This girl is the coolest!

The Barnacle: As Gossip Girl showed us last week, why choose? Go for both, dude!

Were you sad to see Jackie pass away?
M.L. House: Of course. What am I, a robot? Jennie Garth was spectacular in her final scene with her dying, on-screen mother.

Dr. Shepherd: Not really. I watch this show for teenage drama, sex and angst. I'd rather watch Silver couple up with Teddy than cry over mommy.

The Barnacle: Does Teddy have abs that would turn Sean Hannity gay? Of course.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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90210 Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Remember when I was on coke? Am I acting anything like that right now?


I am here to rescue your little news broadcast thingy... I'll give people sex advice!


90210 Season 2 Episode 10 Music

  Song Artist
All I Want The Fountainheads iTunes
4PM Pete Miser iTunes
Esa Mulata Juan Vicente Zambrano iTunes